conditions ========== ``iati-activities/iati-activity/conditions`` This is the reference page for the XML element ``conditions``. .. index:: single: conditions Definition ~~~~~~~~~~ Specific terms and conditions attached to the activity that, if not met, may influence the delivery of commitments made by participating organisations. Rules ~~~~~ This element must occur no more than once (within each parent element). Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. _iati-activities/iati-activity/conditions/.attached: @attached A yes/no (1/0) value stating whether there are conditions attached to the activity. It is strongly recommended that this attribute is reported, even if there are no conditions attached (i.e. attached="0") This attribute is required. This value must be of type xsd:boolean. Example Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example ``conditions`` for an ``iati-activity``. | This element is a parent for ``condition`` child element(s). | The ``@attached`` *0* boolean is included, for illustration of no conditions. .. code-block:: xml | The ``@attached`` *1* boolean is included, for illustration of conditions. .. code-block:: xml ... | Full example with all child elements: .. literalinclude:: ../../activity-standard-example-annotated.xml :language: xml :start-after: :end-before: Developer tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the source of this documentation on github: * `Schema `_ * `Extra Documentation `_ Subelements ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 conditions/condition