forecast ======== ``iati-activities/iati-activity/fss/forecast`` This is the reference page for the XML element ``forecast``. .. index:: single: forecast Definition ~~~~~~~~~~ A container to hold separate forecasts for each of the years specified Text() holds the forecast value for each year. Rules ~~~~~ The text in this element must be of type xsd:decimal. This element may occur any number of times. Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. _iati-activities/iati-activity/fss/forecast/.year: @year The calendar year that the forward spend covers This attribute is required. This value must be of type xsd:decimal. .. _iati-activities/iati-activity/fss/forecast/.currency: @currency A three letter ISO 4217 code for the original currency of the amount. This is required for all currency amounts unless the iati-organisation/\@default-currency attribute is specified. This value must be of type xsd:string. This value must be on the :doc:`Currency codelist `. .. _iati-activities/iati-activity/fss/forecast/.value-date: @value-date The date to be used for determining the exchange rate for currency conversions. This value must be of type xsd:date. Example Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example of ``forecast`` for the ``fss`` of an ``iati-activity``. | An example date is declared in the ``@value-date`` attribute. | This example date format conform to the *xsd:date* standard - for most cases *YYYY-MM-DD* is sufficient. | This example declares the attribute ``@year`` as *2014*. | This example declares a *Currency* code *GBP*, using the ``@currency`` attribute. | Note: A *Currency* code should only be declared if different to ``@default-currency`` in the ``iati-activity`` element. .. literalinclude:: ../../../activity-standard-example-annotated.xml :language: xml :start-after: :end-before: | Note: multiple forecasts are expressed by repeating the ``forecast`` element. Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ 1.03 ^^^^ | New in 1.03 | Added the optional ``fss`` element and its child elements Developer tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the source of this documentation on github: * `Schema `_ * `Extra Documentation `_