reporting-org ============= ``iati-activities/iati-activity/reporting-org`` This is the reference page for the XML element ``reporting-org``. .. index:: single: reporting-org Definition ~~~~~~~~~~ The organisation issuing the report. May be a primary source (reporting on its own activity as donor, implementing agency, etc) or a secondary source (reporting on the activities of another organisation). Specifying the @ref attribute is mandatory. May contain the organisation name as content. All activities in an activity xml file must contain the same @ref AND this @ref must be the same as the iati-identifier recorded in the registry publisher record of the account under which this file is published. Rules ~~~~~ This element must occur once and only once (within each parent element). Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. _iati-activities/iati-activity/reporting-org/.ref: @ref Machine-readable identification string for the organisation issuing the report. Must be in the format {RegistrationAgency}-{RegistrationNumber} where {RegistrationAgency} is a valid code in the Organisation Registration Agency code list and {RegistrationNumber} is a valid identifier issued by the {RegistrationAgency}. This attribute is required. This value must be of type xsd:string. ``reporting-org/@ref`` should match the regex ``[^\/\&\|\?]+`` .. _iati-activities/iati-activity/reporting-org/.type: @type The type of organisation issuing the report. See IATI codelist for values. This attribute is required. This value must be of type xsd:string. This value must be on the :doc:`OrganisationType codelist `. .. _iati-activities/iati-activity/reporting-org/.secondary-reporter: @secondary-reporter A flag indicating that the reporting organisation of this activity is acting as a secondary reporter. A secondary reporter is one that reproduces data on the activities of an organisation for which it is not directly responsible. This does not include a publisher officially assigned as a proxy to report on behalf of another. This value must be of type xsd:boolean. Example Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example ``reporting-org`` for an ``iati-activity`` | An example organisation ``@ref`` of *AA-AAA-123456789* is declared. | The ``@type`` attribute declares a valid code (*40*) from the *OrganisationType* codelist. | The optional ``@secondary-reporter`` boolean is included, for illustration. .. literalinclude:: ../../activity-standard-example-annotated.xml :language: xml :start-after: :end-before: Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ 2.03 ^^^^ | The definition of the ``@ref`` attributed was `updated `__. | The definition of the ``@secondary-reporter`` attributed was `updated `__. 2.01 ^^^^ | Freetext is no longer allowed with this element. It should `now be declared `__ with the new child ``narrative`` element. 1.04 ^^^^ | The ``@secondary-reporter`` was introduced in 1.04. Developer tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the source of this documentation on github: * `Schema `_ * `Extra Documentation `_ Subelements ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. toctree:: :titlesonly: :maxdepth: 1 reporting-org/narrative