Full list of top-level elements in IATI ========= The table below lists all of the elements that can be included in your publishing to IATI. This includes all of the mandatory and recommended elements outlined in :doc:`What to Publish `. One publishing approach is to start with the mandatory and recommended (minimum) elements, and then build up over time. Each element you include will increase the comprehensiveness of your data and will help people to understand the work you are carrying out. .. list-table:: List of top-level elements :widths: 25 25 25 25 :header-rows: 1 * - Topic - Element - Mandatory - Recommended (minimum) * - Identification - IATI Identifier - Yes - Yes * - - Reporting Org - Yes - Yes * - - Other Identifier - - * - Basic Activity Information - Title - Yes - Yes * - - Description - Yes - Yes * - - Activity Status - Yes - Yes * - - Activity Date - Yes - Yes * - - Contact Info - - * - - Activity Scope - - * - Participating Organisations - Participating Org - Yes - Yes * - Geopolitical Information - Recipient Country - - Yes * - - Or, Recipient Region - - Yes * - - Location - - * - Classifications - Sector - Yes - Yes * - - Policy Marker - - * - - Collaboration Type - - * - - Default Flow Type - - * - - Default Finance Type - - * - - Default Aid Type - - * - - Default Tied Status - - * - - Country Budget Items - - * - Humanitarian - Humanitarian Scope - - * - Financial - Budget - - Yes * - - Transactions - - Yes * - - Planned Disbursement - - * - - Capital Spend - - * - Related Documents - Document Link - - * - Relations - Related Activity - - * - - Legacy Data - - * - Performance - Conditions - - * - - Results - - * - OECD Reporting - CRS-add - - * - - FSS - -