Codelists ========= The **IATI codelists** are key to making IATI activity and organisation data from different publishers **comparable**. | Codes are used to represent many standard values in an **IATI activity**. For example, codelists such as :doc:`organisation type ` ensure that different publishers have unambiguous, comparable definitions (e.g. 23 = Regional NGO; 60 = Foundation; or 70 = Private Sector) they can use when describing activities. | Codelists are updated through a :doc:`managed process `. A codelist can either be embedded (centrally managed by IATI) or non-embedded (derived from an authority source). | For every codelist, the embedded status, alongside the relevant IATI element(s) are declared and linked to. | An :doc:`API is also available ` for accessing codelists. General Information about Codelists ----------------------------------- .. toctree:: :glob: :titlesonly: codelists/codelist-management codelists/codelist-api All Codelists ------------- .. toctree:: :glob: :titlesonly: codelists/*