Aid Type Vocabulary =================== The AidTypeVocabulary codelist defines a range of external codelists which themselves provide codes and descriptions for aid type. This is a :ref:`Non-Core codelist `. Use this codelist for --------------------- * :ref:`iati-activities/iati-activity/default-aid-type/@vocabulary ` * :ref:`iati-activities/iati-activity/transaction/aid-type/@vocabulary ` Download this codelist ---------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - :ref:`CLv1 `: - :ref:`CLv2 `: - :ref:`CLv3 `: - :ref:`CLv3 (french) `: * - `CSV <../downloads/clv1/codelist/AidTypeVocabulary.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv2/csv/en/AidTypeVocabulary.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/en/AidTypeVocabulary.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/fr/AidTypeVocabulary.csv>`__ * - `JSON <../downloads/clv1/codelist/AidTypeVocabulary.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv2/json/en/AidTypeVocabulary.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/en/AidTypeVocabulary.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/fr/AidTypeVocabulary.json>`__ * - `XML <../downloads/clv1/codelist/AidTypeVocabulary.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv2/xml/AidTypeVocabulary.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/AidTypeVocabulary.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/AidTypeVocabulary.xml>`__ `GitHub Source `__ Codes ----- .. _AidTypeVocabulary: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Code - Name - Description - URL * - 1 - OECD DAC - List of codes provided by the OECD DAC used to distinguish types of aid - * - 2 - Earmarking Category - This vocabulary has been created by IATI and is derived from the Grand Bargain Earmarking Modality codelist - * - 3 - Earmarking Modality - Codes A to L replicated directly from Grand Bargain document found in Annex 1 (pg.16) - * - 4 - Cash and Voucher Modalities - This vocabulary has been created by IATI, following agreements and recommendations of the Tracking Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Working Group. -