Description Type ================ Activity decription types. (General, objectives, etc) This is a :ref:`Non-Core codelist `. Use this codelist for --------------------- * :ref:`iati-activities/iati-activity/description/@type ` Download this codelist ---------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - :ref:`CLv1 `: - :ref:`CLv2 `: - :ref:`CLv3 `: - :ref:`CLv3 (french) `: * - `CSV <../downloads/clv1/codelist/DescriptionType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv2/csv/en/DescriptionType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/en/DescriptionType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/fr/DescriptionType.csv>`__ * - `JSON <../downloads/clv1/codelist/DescriptionType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv2/json/en/DescriptionType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/en/DescriptionType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/fr/DescriptionType.json>`__ * - `XML <../downloads/clv1/codelist/DescriptionType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv2/xml/DescriptionType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/DescriptionType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/DescriptionType.xml>`__ `GitHub Source `__ Codes ----- .. _DescriptionType: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Code - Name - Description * - 1 - General - Unstructured, long description of the activity * - 2 - Objectives - Specific objectives for the activity, e.g. taken from logical framework * - 3 - Target Groups - Details of groups that are intended to benefit from the activity * - 4 - Other - For miscellaneous use. A further classification or breakdown may be included in the narrative