Location Type ============= US NGA Feature Designation Codes On this codelist 'category' is used for the Feature Class. External URL: http://geonames.nga.mil/namesgaz/ This is a :ref:`Replicated codelist `. Use this codelist for --------------------- * :ref:`iati-activities/iati-activity/location/feature-designation/@code ` Download this codelist ---------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - :ref:`CLv1 `: - :ref:`CLv2 `: - :ref:`CLv3 `: - :ref:`CLv3 (french) `: * - `CSV <../downloads/clv1/codelist/LocationType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv2/csv/en/LocationType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/en/LocationType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/fr/LocationType.csv>`__ * - `JSON <../downloads/clv1/codelist/LocationType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv2/json/en/LocationType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/en/LocationType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/fr/LocationType.json>`__ * - `XML <../downloads/clv1/codelist/LocationType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv2/xml/LocationType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/LocationType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/LocationType.xml>`__ `GitHub Source `__ Codes ----- .. _LocationType: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Code - Name - Description - Category * - AIRQ - abandoned airfield - abandoned airfield - :ref:`S ` * - CMPQ - abandoned camp - abandoned camp - :ref:`S ` * - CNLQ - abandoned canal - abandoned canal - :ref:`H ` * - MFGQ - abandoned factory - abandoned factory - :ref:`S ` * - FRMQ - abandoned farm - abandoned farm - :ref:`S ` * - MNQ - abandoned mine - abandoned mine - :ref:`S ` * - MSSNQ - abandoned mission - abandoned mission - :ref:`S ` * - OILQ - abandoned oil well - abandoned oil well - :ref:`S ` * - PPQ - abandoned police post - abandoned police post - :ref:`S ` * - PPLQ - abandoned populated place - abandoned populated place - :ref:`P ` * - PRNQ - abandoned prison - abandoned prison - :ref:`S ` * - RRQ - abandoned railroad - abandoned railroad - :ref:`R ` * - RSTNQ - abandoned railroad station - abandoned railroad station - :ref:`S ` * - RSTPQ - abandoned railroad stop - abandoned railroad stop - :ref:`S ` * - STMQ - abandoned watercourse - a former stream or distributary no longer carrying flowing water, but still evident due to lakes, wetland, topographic or vegetation patterns - :ref:`H ` * - WLLQ - abandoned well - abandoned well - :ref:`H ` * - ADMD - administrative division - an administrative division of a political entity, undifferentiated as to administrative level - :ref:`A ` * - ADMF - administrative facility - a government building - :ref:`S ` * - AGRC - agricultural colony - a tract of land set aside for agricultural settlement - :ref:`L ` * - AGRF - agricultural facility - a building and/or tract of land used for improving agriculture - :ref:`S ` * - RESA - agricultural reserve - a tract of land reserved for agricultural reclamation and/or development - :ref:`L ` * - SCHA - agricultural school - a school with a curriculum focused on agriculture - :ref:`S ` * - AIRB - airbase - an area used to store supplies, provide barracks for air force personnel, hangars and runways for aircraft, and from which operations are initiated - :ref:`S ` * - AIRF - airfield - a place on land where aircraft land and take off; no facilities provided for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo - :ref:`S ` * - AIRP - airport - a place where aircraft regularly land and take off, with runways, navigational aids, and major facilities for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo - :ref:`S ` * - AMTH - amphitheater - an oval or circular structure with rising tiers of seats about a stage or open space - :ref:`S ` * - STMA - anabranch - a diverging branch flowing out of a main stream and rejoining it downstream - :ref:`H ` * - ANCH - anchorage - an area where vessels may anchor - :ref:`H ` * - RDA - ancient road - the remains of a road used by ancient cultures - :ref:`R ` * - ANS - ancient site - a place where archeological remains, old structures, or cultural artifacts are located - :ref:`S ` * - WALLA - ancient wall - the remains of a linear defensive stone structure - :ref:`S ` * - BLDA - apartment building - a building containing several individual apartments - :ref:`S ` * - AQC - aquaculture facility - facility or area for the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants, especially fish, shellfish, and seaweed, in natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments; underwater agriculture - :ref:`S ` * - CNLA - aqueduct - a conduit used to carry water - :ref:`H ` * - ARCH - arch - a natural or man-made structure in the form of an arch - :ref:`S ` * - LAND - Arctic land - a tract of land in the Arctic - :ref:`L ` * - AREA - area - a tract of land without homogeneous character or boundaries - :ref:`L ` * - ISLF - artificial island - an island created by landfill or diking and filling in a wetland, bay, or lagoon - :ref:`T ` * - RNGA - artillery range - a tract of land used for artillery firing practice - :ref:`L ` * - ASPH - asphalt lake - a small basin containing naturally occurring asphalt - :ref:`T ` * - ASTR - astronomical station - a point on the earth whose position has been determined by observations of celestial bodies - :ref:`S ` * - ASYL - asylum - a facility where the insane are cared for and protected - :ref:`S ` * - ATHF - athletic field - a tract of land used for playing team sports, and athletic track and field events - :ref:`S ` * - ATOL - atoll(s) - a ring-shaped coral reef which has closely spaced islands on it encircling a lagoon - :ref:`T ` * - CTRA - atomic center - a facility where atomic research is carried out - :ref:`S ` * - BDLD - badlands - an area characterized by a maze of very closely spaced, deep, narrow, steep-sided ravines, and sharp crests and pinnacles - :ref:`T ` * - BSTN - baling station - a facility for baling agricultural products - :ref:`S ` * - ESTB - banana plantation - an estate that specializes in the growing of bananas - :ref:`S ` * - BAN - bank - an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange or issue of money, for the extension of credit, and for facilitating the transmission of funds - :ref:`S ` * - BNK - bank(s) - an elevation, typically located on a shelf, over which the depth of water is relatively shallow but sufficient for most surface navigation - :ref:`H ` * - BAR - bar - a shallow ridge or mound of coarse unconsolidated material in a stream channel, at the mouth of a stream, estuary, or lagoon and in the wave-break zone along coasts - :ref:`T ` * - BRKS - barracks - a building for lodging military personnel - :ref:`S ` * - BTL - battlefield - a site of a land battle of historical importance - :ref:`L ` * - BAY - bay - a coastal indentation between two capes or headlands, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf - :ref:`H ` * - BAYS - bays - coastal indentations between two capes or headlands, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf - :ref:`H ` * - BCH - beach - a shore zone of coarse unconsolidated sediment that extends from the low-water line to the highest reach of storm waves - :ref:`T ` * - RDGB - beach ridge - a ridge of sand just inland and parallel to the beach, usually in series - :ref:`T ` * - BCHS - beaches - a shore zone of coarse unconsolidated sediment that extends from the low-water line to the highest reach of storm waves - :ref:`T ` * - BCN - beacon - a fixed artificial navigation mark - :ref:`S ` * - BNCH - bench - a long, narrow bedrock platform bounded by steeper slopes above and below, usually overlooking a waterbody - :ref:`T ` * - BGHT - bight(s) - an open body of water forming a slight recession in a coastline - :ref:`H ` * - BLHL - blowhole(s) - a hole in coastal rock through which sea water is forced by a rising tide or waves and spurted through an outlet into the air - :ref:`T ` * - BLOW - blowout(s) - a small depression in sandy terrain, caused by wind erosion - :ref:`T ` * - BTYD - boatyard - a waterside facility for servicing, repairing, and building small vessels - :ref:`S ` * - BOG - bog(s) - a wetland characterized by peat forming sphagnum moss, sedge, and other acid-water plants - :ref:`H ` * - PSTB - border post - a post or station at an international boundary for the regulation of movement of people and goods - :ref:`S ` * - BLDR - boulder field - a high altitude or high latitude bare, flat area covered with large angular rocks - :ref:`T ` * - BP - boundary marker - a fixture marking a point along a boundary - :ref:`S ` * - BRKW - breakwater - a structure erected to break the force of waves at the entrance to a harbor or port - :ref:`S ` * - MFGB - brewery - one or more buildings where beer is brewed - :ref:`S ` * - BDG - bridge - a structure erected across an obstacle such as a stream, road, etc., in order to carry roads, railroads, and pedestrians across - :ref:`S ` * - ZNB - buffer zone - a zone recognized as a buffer between two nations in which military presence is minimal or absent - :ref:`A ` * - BLDG - building(s) - a structure built for permanent use, as a house, factory, etc. - :ref:`S ` * - BUR - burial cave(s) - a cave used for human burials - :ref:`S ` * - BUSH - bush(es) - a small clump of conspicuous bushes in an otherwise bare area - :ref:`V ` * - CTRB - business center - a place where a number of businesses are located - :ref:`L ` * - BUTE - butte(s) - a small, isolated, usually flat-topped hill with steep sides - :ref:`T ` * - CARN - cairn - a heap of stones erected as a landmark or for other purposes - :ref:`S ` * - CLDA - caldera - a depression measuring kilometers across formed by the collapse of a volcanic mountain - :ref:`T ` * - CMP - camp(s) - a site occupied by tents, huts, or other shelters for temporary use - :ref:`S ` * - CNL - canal - an artificial watercourse - :ref:`H ` * - CNLB - canal bend - a conspicuously curved or bent section of a canal - :ref:`H ` * - TNLC - canal tunnel - a tunnel through which a canal passes - :ref:`H ` * - STMC - canalized stream - a stream that has been substantially ditched, diked, or straightened - :ref:`H ` * - MFGC - cannery - a building where food items are canned - :ref:`S ` * - CNYN - canyon - a deep, narrow valley with steep sides cutting into a plateau or mountainous area - :ref:`T ` * - CAPE - cape - a land area, more prominent than a point, projecting into the sea and marking a notable change in coastal direction - :ref:`T ` * - PPLC - capital of a political entity - capital of a political entity - :ref:`P ` * - RTE - caravan route - the route taken by caravans - :ref:`R ` * - CSNO - casino - a building used for entertainment, especially gambling - :ref:`S ` * - CSTL - castle - a large fortified building or set of buildings - :ref:`S ` * - TNKD - cattle dipping tank - a small artificial pond used for immersing cattle in chemically treated water for disease control - :ref:`S ` * - CSWY - causeway - a raised roadway across wet ground or shallow water - :ref:`R ` * - CAVE - cave(s) - an underground passageway or chamber, or cavity on the side of a cliff - :ref:`S ` * - CMTY - cemetery - a burial place or ground - :ref:`S ` * - CHN - channel - the deepest part of a stream, bay, lagoon, or strait, through which the main current flows - :ref:`H ` * - MNCR - chrome mine(s) - a mine where chrome ore is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - CH - church - a building for public Christian worship - :ref:`S ` * - CRQ - cirque - a bowl-like hollow partially surrounded by cliffs or steep slopes at the head of a glaciated valley - :ref:`T ` * - CRQS - cirques - bowl-like hollows partially surrounded by cliffs or steep slopes at the head of a glaciated valley - :ref:`T ` * - CLG - clearing - an area in a forest with trees removed - :ref:`L ` * - CFT - cleft(s) - a deep narrow slot, notch, or groove in a coastal cliff - :ref:`T ` * - CLF - cliff(s) - a high, steep to perpendicular slope overlooking a waterbody or lower area - :ref:`T ` * - HSPC - clinic - a medical facility associated with a hospital for outpatients - :ref:`S ` * - MNC - coal mine(s) - a mine where coal is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - COLF - coalfield - a region in which coal deposits of possible economic value occur - :ref:`L ` * - CST - coast - a zone of variable width straddling the shoreline - :ref:`L ` * - STNC - coast guard station - a facility from which the coast is guarded by armed vessels - :ref:`S ` * - GRVC - coconut grove - a planting of coconut trees - :ref:`V ` * - SCHC - college - the grounds and buildings of an institution of higher learning - :ref:`S ` * - CMN - common - a park or pasture for community use - :ref:`L ` * - COMC - communication center - a facility, including buildings, antennae, towers and electronic equipment for receiving and transmitting information - :ref:`S ` * - CTRCM - community center - a facility for community recreation and other activities - :ref:`S ` * - CNS - concession area - a lease of land by a government for economic development, e.g., mining, forestry - :ref:`L ` * - CONE - cone(s) - a conical landform composed of mud or volcanic material - :ref:`T ` * - CNFL - confluence - a place where two or more streams or intermittent streams flow together - :ref:`H ` * - CRSU - continental rise - a gentle slope rising from oceanic depths towards the foot of a continental slope - :ref:`U ` * - CVNT - convent - a building where a community of nuns lives in seclusion - :ref:`S ` * - MNCU - copper mine(s) - a mine where copper ore is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - MFGCU - copper works - a facility for processing copper ore - :ref:`S ` * - RFC - coral reef(s) - a surface-navigation hazard composed of coral - :ref:`H ` * - CRRL - corral(s) - a pen or enclosure for confining or capturing animals - :ref:`S ` * - CRDR - corridor - a strip or area of land having significance as an access way - :ref:`T ` * - ESTC - cotton plantation - an estate specializing in the cultivation of cotton - :ref:`S ` * - HSEC - country house - a large house, mansion, or chateau, on a large estate - :ref:`S ` * - CTHSE - courthouse - a building in which courts of law are held - :ref:`S ` * - COVE - cove(s) - a small coastal indentation, smaller than a bay - :ref:`H ` * - LKC - crater lake - a lake in a crater or caldera - :ref:`H ` * - LKSC - crater lakes - lakes in a crater or caldera - :ref:`H ` * - CRTR - crater(s) - a generally circular saucer or bowl-shaped depression caused by volcanic or meteorite explosive action - :ref:`T ` * - CUET - cuesta(s) - an asymmetric ridge formed on tilted strata - :ref:`T ` * - CULT - cultivated area - an area under cultivation - :ref:`V ` * - CRNT - current - a horizontal flow of water in a given direction with uniform velocity - :ref:`H ` * - CSTM - customs house - a building in a port where customs and duties are paid, and where vessels are entered and cleared - :ref:`S ` * - PSTC - customs post - a building at an international boundary where customs and duties are paid on goods - :ref:`S ` * - CUTF - cutoff - a channel formed as a result of a stream cutting through a meander neck - :ref:`H ` * - DARY - dairy - a facility for the processing, sale and distribution of milk or milk products - :ref:`S ` * - DAM - dam - a barrier constructed across a stream to impound water - :ref:`S ` * - DEPU - deep - a localized deep area within the confines of a larger feature, such as a trough, basin or trench - :ref:`U ` * - DLTA - delta - a flat plain formed by alluvial deposits at the mouth of a stream - :ref:`T ` * - PCLD - dependent political entity - dependent political entity - :ref:`A ` * - DPR - depression(s) - a low area surrounded by higher land and usually characterized by interior drainage - :ref:`T ` * - DSRT - desert - a large area with little or no vegetation due to extreme environmental conditions - :ref:`T ` * - PPLW - destroyed populated place - a village, town or city destroyed by a natural disaster, or by war - :ref:`P ` * - MNDT - diatomite mine(s) - a place where diatomaceous earth is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - DIKE - dike - an earth or stone embankment usually constructed for flood or stream control - :ref:`S ` * - DIP - diplomatic facility - office, residence, or facility of a foreign government, which may include an embassy, consulate, chancery, office of charge d’affaires, or other diplomatic, economic, military, or cultural mission - :ref:`S ` * - HSPD - dispensary - a building where medical or dental aid is dispensed - :ref:`S ` * - STMD - distributary(-ies) - a branch which flows away from the main stream, as in a delta or irrigation canal - :ref:`H ` * - DTCH - ditch - a small artificial watercourse dug for draining or irrigating the land - :ref:`H ` * - DTCHM - ditch mouth(s) - an area where a drainage ditch enters a lagoon, lake or bay - :ref:`H ` * - DVD - divide - a line separating adjacent drainage basins - :ref:`T ` * - DCK - dock(s) - a waterway between two piers, or cut into the land for the berthing of ships - :ref:`H ` * - DCKB - docking basin - a part of a harbor where ships dock - :ref:`H ` * - DCKY - dockyard - a facility for servicing, building, or repairing ships - :ref:`S ` * - BSND - drainage basin - an area drained by a stream - :ref:`L ` * - CNLD - drainage canal - an artificial waterway carrying water away from a wetland or from drainage ditches - :ref:`H ` * - DTCHD - drainage ditch - a ditch which serves to drain the land - :ref:`H ` * - DCKD - dry dock - a dock providing support for a vessel, and means for removing the water so that the bottom of the vessel can be exposed - :ref:`S ` * - SBED - dry stream bed - a channel formerly containing the water of a stream - :ref:`T ` * - DUNE - dune(s) - a wave form, ridge or star shape feature composed of sand - :ref:`T ` * - RGNE - economic region - a region of a country established for economic development or for statistical purposes - :ref:`L ` * - SCRP - escarpment - a long line of cliffs or steep slopes separating level surfaces above and below - :ref:`T ` * - EST - estate(s) - a large commercialized agricultural landholding with associated buildings and other facilities - :ref:`S ` * - ESTY - estuary - a funnel-shaped stream mouth or embayment where fresh water mixes with sea water under tidal influences - :ref:`H ` * - STNE - experiment station - a facility for carrying out experiments - :ref:`S ` * - FCL - facility - a building or buildings housing a center, institute, foundation, hospital, prison, mission, courthouse, etc. - :ref:`S ` * - CTRF - facility center - a place where more than one facility is situated - :ref:`S ` * - MFG - factory - one or more buildings where goods are manufactured, processed or fabricated - :ref:`S ` * - FAN - fan(s) - a fan-shaped wedge of coarse alluvium with apex merging with a mountain stream bed and the fan spreading out at a low angle slope onto an adjacent plain - :ref:`T ` * - FRM - farm - a tract of land with associated buildings devoted to agriculture - :ref:`S ` * - PPLF - farm village - a populated place where the population is largely engaged in agricultural activities - :ref:`P ` * - FRMS - farms - tracts of land with associated buildings devoted to agriculture - :ref:`S ` * - FRMT - farmstead - the buildings and adjacent service areas of a farm - :ref:`S ` * - FY - ferry - a boat or other floating conveyance and terminal facilities regularly used to transport people and vehicles across a waterbody - :ref:`S ` * - FYT - ferry terminal - a place where ferries pick-up and discharge passengers, vehicles and or cargo - :ref:`S ` * - FLD - field(s) - an open as opposed to wooded area - :ref:`L ` * - FIRE - fire station - building housing firefighters and/or fire fighting equipment - :ref:`S ` * - ADM1 - first-order administrative division - a primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States - :ref:`A ` * - FISH - fishing area - a fishing ground, bank or area where fishermen go to catch fish - :ref:`H ` * - PNDSF - fishponds - ponds or enclosures in which fish are kept or raised - :ref:`H ` * - FSR - fissure - a crack associated with volcanism - :ref:`T ` * - FJD - fjord - a long, narrow, steep-walled, deep-water arm of the sea at high latitudes, usually along mountainous coasts - :ref:`H ` * - FJDS - fjords - long, narrow, steep-walled, deep-water arms of the sea at high latitudes, usually along mountainous coasts - :ref:`H ` * - FORD - ford - a shallow part of a stream which can be crossed on foot or by land vehicle - :ref:`T ` * - RESF - forest reserve - a forested area set aside for preservation or controlled use - :ref:`L ` * - STNF - forest station - a collection of buildings and facilities for carrying out forest management - :ref:`S ` * - FRST - forest(s) - an area dominated by tree vegetation - :ref:`V ` * - INLTQ - former inlet - an inlet which has been filled in, or blocked by deposits - :ref:`H ` * - MLSGQ - former sugar mill - a sugar mill no longer used as a sugar mill - :ref:`S ` * - FT - fort - a defensive structure or earthworks - :ref:`S ` * - FRSTF - fossilized forest - a forest fossilized by geologic processes and now exposed at the earth's surface - :ref:`V ` * - FNDY - foundry - a building or works where metal casting is carried out - :ref:`S ` * - ADM4 - fourth-order administrative division - a subdivision of a third-order administrative division - :ref:`A ` * - ZNF - free trade zone - an area, usually a section of a port, where goods may be received and shipped free of customs duty and of most customs regulations - :ref:`S ` * - PCLF - freely associated state - freely associated state - :ref:`A ` * - DPOF - fuel depot - an area where fuel is stored - :ref:`S ` * - GAP - gap - a low place in a ridge, not used for transportation - :ref:`T ` * - GDN - garden(s) - an enclosure for displaying selected plant or animal life - :ref:`S ` * - GOSP - gas-oil separator plant - a facility for separating gas from oil - :ref:`S ` * - GASF - gasfield - an area containing a subterranean store of natural gas of economic value - :ref:`L ` * - GATE - gate - a controlled access entrance or exit - :ref:`S ` * - GYSR - geyser - a type of hot spring with intermittent eruptions of jets of hot water and steam - :ref:`H ` * - GHAT - ghāt - a set of steps leading to a river, which are of religious significance, and at their base is usually a platform for bathing - :ref:`S ` * - GLCR - glacier(s) - a mass of ice, usually at high latitudes or high elevations, with sufficient thickness to flow away from the source area in lobes, tongues, or masses - :ref:`H ` * - MNAU - gold mine(s) - a mine where gold ore, or alluvial gold is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - RECG - golf course - a recreation field where golf is played - :ref:`S ` * - GRGE - gorge(s) - a short, narrow, steep-sided section of a stream valley - :ref:`T ` * - GRSLD - grassland - an area dominated by grass vegetation - :ref:`V ` * - GRVE - grave - a burial site - :ref:`S ` * - GVL - gravel area - an area covered with gravel - :ref:`L ` * - GRAZ - grazing area - an area of grasses and shrubs used for grazing - :ref:`L ` * - GHSE - guest house - a house used to provide lodging for paying guests - :ref:`S ` * - GULF - gulf - a large recess in the coastline, larger than a bay - :ref:`H ` * - HLT - halting place - a place where caravans stop for rest - :ref:`S ` * - HMCK - hammock(s) - a patch of ground, distinct from and slightly above the surrounding plain or wetland. Often occurs in groups - :ref:`T ` * - AIRG - hangar - a covered and usually enclosed area for housing and repairing aircraft - :ref:`S ` * - VALG - hanging valley - a valley the floor of which is notably higher than the valley or shore to which it leads; most common in areas that have been glaciated - :ref:`T ` * - HBR - harbor(s) - a haven or space of deep water so sheltered by the adjacent land as to afford a safe anchorage for ships - :ref:`H ` * - HDLD - headland - a high projection of land extending into a large body of water beyond the line of the coast - :ref:`T ` * - STMH - headwaters - the source and upper part of a stream, including the upper drainage basin - :ref:`H ` * - HTH - heath - an upland moor or sandy area dominated by low shrubby vegetation including heather - :ref:`V ` * - AIRH - heliport - a place where helicopters land and take off - :ref:`S ` * - HERM - hermitage - a secluded residence, usually for religious sects - :ref:`S ` * - HLL - hill - a rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m - :ref:`T ` * - HLLS - hills - rounded elevations of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m - :ref:`T ` * - ADMDH - historical administrative division - a former administrative division of a political entity, undifferentiated as to administrative level - :ref:`A ` * - ADM1H - historical first-order administrative division - a former first-order administrative division - :ref:`A ` * - ADM4H - historical fourth-order administrative division - a former fourth-order administrative division - :ref:`A ` * - PCLH - historical political entity - a former political entity - :ref:`A ` * - PPLH - historical populated place - a populated place that no longer exists - :ref:`P ` * - RRH - historical railroad - a former permanent twin steel-rail track on which freight and passenger cars move long distances - :ref:`R ` * - RSTNH - historical railroad station - a former facility comprising ticket office, platforms, etc. for loading and unloading train passengers and freight - :ref:`S ` * - RGNH - historical region - a former area distinguished by one or more observable physical or cultural characteristics - :ref:`L ` * - ADM2H - historical second-order administrative division - a former second-order administrative division - :ref:`A ` * - HSTS - historical site - a place of historical importance - :ref:`S ` * - ADM3H - historical third-order administrative division - a former third-order administrative division - :ref:`A ` * - UFHU - historical undersea feature - an undersea feature whose existence has been subsequently disproved - :ref:`U ` * - HMSD - homestead - a residence, owner's or manager's, on a sheep or cattle station, woolshed, outcamp, or Aboriginal outstation, specific to Australia and New Zealand - :ref:`S ` * - HSP - hospital - a building in which sick or injured, especially those confined to bed, are medically treated - :ref:`S ` * - SPNT - hot spring(s) - a place where hot ground water flows naturally out of the ground - :ref:`H ` * - HTL - hotel - a building providing lodging and/or meals for the public - :ref:`S ` * - HSE - house(s) - a building used as a human habitation - :ref:`S ` * - DEVH - housing development - a tract of land on which many houses of similar design are built according to a development plan - :ref:`L ` * - RESH - hunting reserve - a tract of land used primarily for hunting - :ref:`L ` * - HUT - hut - a small primitive house - :ref:`S ` * - HUTS - huts - small primitive houses - :ref:`S ` * - PSH - hydroelectric power station - a building where electricity is generated from water power - :ref:`S ` * - CAPG - icecap - a dome-shaped mass of glacial ice covering an area of mountain summits or other high lands; smaller than an ice sheet - :ref:`H ` * - DPRG - icecap depression - a comparatively depressed area on an icecap - :ref:`H ` * - DOMG - icecap dome - a comparatively elevated area on an icecap - :ref:`H ` * - RDGG - icecap ridge - a linear elevation on an icecap - :ref:`H ` * - PCLI - independent political entity - independent political entity - :ref:`A ` * - INDS - industrial area - an area characterized by industrial activity - :ref:`L ` * - INLT - inlet - a narrow waterway extending into the land, or connecting a bay or lagoon with a larger body of water - :ref:`H ` * - STNI - inspection station - a station at which vehicles, goods, and people are inspected - :ref:`S ` * - TRGD - interdune trough(s) - a long wind-swept trough between parallel longitudinal dunes - :ref:`T ` * - INTF - interfluve - a relatively undissected upland between adjacent stream valleys - :ref:`T ` * - LKI - intermittent lake - intermittent lake - :ref:`H ` * - LKSI - intermittent lakes - intermittent lakes - :ref:`H ` * - LKOI - intermittent oxbow lake - intermittent oxbow lake - :ref:`H ` * - PNDI - intermittent pond - intermittent pond - :ref:`H ` * - PNDSI - intermittent ponds - intermittent ponds - :ref:`H ` * - POOLI - intermittent pool - intermittent pool - :ref:`H ` * - RSVI - intermittent reservoir - intermittent reservoir - :ref:`H ` * - LKNI - intermittent salt lake - intermittent salt lake - :ref:`H ` * - LKSNI - intermittent salt lakes - intermittent salt lakes - :ref:`H ` * - PNDNI - intermittent salt pond(s) - intermittent salt pond(s) - :ref:`H ` * - STMI - intermittent stream - intermittent stream - :ref:`H ` * - WTLDI - intermittent wetland - intermittent wetland - :ref:`H ` * - RDIN - intersection - a junction of two or more highways by a system of separate levels that permit traffic to pass from one to another without the crossing of traffic streams - :ref:`S ` * - MNFE - iron mine(s) - a mine where iron ore is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - FLDI - irrigated field(s) - a tract of level or terraced land which is irrigated - :ref:`L ` * - CNLI - irrigation canal - a canal which serves as a main conduit for irrigation water - :ref:`H ` * - DTCHI - irrigation ditch - a ditch which serves to distribute irrigation water - :ref:`H ` * - SYSI - irrigation system - a network of ditches and one or more of the following elements: water supply, reservoir, canal, pump, well, drain, etc. - :ref:`H ` * - ISL - island - a tract of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water - :ref:`T ` * - ISLS - islands - tracts of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water - :ref:`T ` * - STLMT - Israeli settlement - Israeli settlement - :ref:`P ` * - ISTH - isthmus - a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses and bordered by water - :ref:`T ` * - JTY - jetty - a structure built out into the water at a river mouth or harbor entrance to regulate currents and silting - :ref:`S ` * - KRST - karst area - a distinctive landscape developed on soluble rock such as limestone characterized by sinkholes, caves, disappearing streams, and underground drainage - :ref:`T ` * - CMPLA - labor camp - a camp used by migrant or temporary laborers - :ref:`S ` * - LGN - lagoon - a shallow coastal waterbody, completely or partly separated from a larger body of water by a barrier island, coral reef or other depositional feature - :ref:`H ` * - LGNS - lagoons - shallow coastal waterbodies, completely or partly separated from a larger body of water by a barrier island, coral reef or other depositional feature - :ref:`H ` * - LK - lake - a large inland body of standing water - :ref:`H ` * - LBED - lake bed(s) - a dried up or drained area of a former lake - :ref:`H ` * - CHNL - lake channel(s) - that part of a lake having water deep enough for navigation between islands, shoals, etc. - :ref:`H ` * - RGNL - lake region - a tract of land distinguished by numerous lakes - :ref:`L ` * - LKS - lakes - large inland bodies of standing water - :ref:`H ` * - ISLT - land-tied island - a coastal island connected to the mainland by barrier beaches, levees or dikes - :ref:`T ` * - LNDF - landfill - a place for trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is buried between layers of earth to build up low-lying land - :ref:`S ` * - LDNG - landing - a place where boats receive or discharge passengers and freight, but lacking most port facilities - :ref:`S ` * - LAVA - lava area - an area of solidified lava - :ref:`T ` * - MNPB - lead mine(s) - a mine where lead ore is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - LTER - leased area - a tract of land leased by the United Kingdom from the People's Republic of China to form part of Hong Kong - :ref:`A ` * - LEPC - leper colony - a settled area inhabited by lepers in relative isolation - :ref:`S ` * - HSPL - leprosarium - an asylum or hospital for lepers - :ref:`S ` * - LEV - levee - a natural low embankment bordering a distributary or meandering stream; often built up artificially to control floods - :ref:`T ` * - LTHSE - lighthouse - a distinctive structure exhibiting a major navigation light - :ref:`S ` * - MFGLM - limekiln - a furnace in which limestone is reduced to lime - :ref:`S ` * - GOVL - local government office - a facility housing local governmental offices, usually a city, town, or village hall - :ref:`S ` * - LCTY - locality - a minor area or place of unspecified or mixed character and indefinite boundaries - :ref:`L ` * - LOCK - lock(s) - a basin in a waterway with gates at each end by means of which vessels are passed from one water level to another - :ref:`S ` * - CMPL - logging camp - a camp used by loggers - :ref:`S ` * - STMSB - lost river - a surface stream that disappears into an underground channel, or dries up in an arid area - :ref:`H ` * - MVA - maneuver area - a tract of land where military field exercises are carried out - :ref:`L ` * - ISLM - mangrove island - a mangrove swamp surrounded by a waterbody - :ref:`T ` * - MGV - mangrove swamp - a tropical tidal mud flat characterized by mangrove vegetation - :ref:`H ` * - MAR - marina - a harbor facility for small boats, yachts, etc. - :ref:`S ` * - CHNM - marine channel - that part of a body of water deep enough for navigation through an area otherwise not suitable - :ref:`H ` * - SCHN - maritime school - a school at which maritime sciences form the core of the curriculum - :ref:`S ` * - MKT - market - a place where goods are bought and sold at regular intervals - :ref:`S ` * - MRSH - marsh(es) - a wetland dominated by grass-like vegetation - :ref:`H ` * - MDW - meadow - a small, poorly drained area dominated by grassy vegetation - :ref:`V ` * - NKM - meander neck - a narrow strip of land between the two limbs of a meander loop at its narrowest point - :ref:`T ` * - CTRM - medical center - a complex of health care buildings including two or more of the following: hospital, medical school, clinic, pharmacy, doctor's offices, etc. - :ref:`S ` * - MESA - mesa(s) - a flat-topped, isolated elevation with steep slopes on all sides, less extensive than a plateau - :ref:`T ` * - STNM - meteorological station - a station at which weather elements are recorded - :ref:`S ` * - MILB - military base - a place used by an army or other armed service for storing arms and supplies, and for accommodating and training troops, a base from which operations can be initiated - :ref:`L ` * - INSM - military installation - a facility for use of and control by armed forces - :ref:`S ` * - SCHM - military school - a school at which military science forms the core of the curriculum - :ref:`S ` * - ML - mill(s) - a building housing machines for transforming, shaping, finishing, grinding, or extracting products - :ref:`S ` * - MN - mine(s) - a site where mineral ores are extracted from the ground by excavating surface pits and subterranean passages - :ref:`S ` * - MNA - mining area - an area of mine sites where minerals and ores are extracted - :ref:`L ` * - CMPMN - mining camp - a camp used by miners - :ref:`S ` * - MSSN - mission - a place characterized by dwellings, school, church, hospital and other facilities operated by a religious group for the purpose of providing charitable services and to propagate religion - :ref:`S ` * - MOLE - mole - a massive structure of masonry or large stones serving as a pier or breakwater - :ref:`S ` * - MSTY - monastery - a building and grounds where a community of monks lives in seclusion - :ref:`S ` * - MNMT - monument - a commemorative structure or statue - :ref:`S ` * - MOOR - moor(s) - an area of open ground overlaid with wet peaty soils - :ref:`H ` * - MRN - moraine - a mound, ridge, or other accumulation of glacial till - :ref:`T ` * - MSQE - mosque - a building for public Islamic worship - :ref:`S ` * - MND - mound(s) - a low, isolated, rounded hill - :ref:`T ` * - MT - mountain - an elevation standing high above the surrounding area with small summit area, steep slopes and local relief of 300m or more - :ref:`T ` * - MTS - mountains - a mountain range or a group of mountains or high ridges - :ref:`T ` * - FLTM - mud flat(s) - a relatively level area of mud either between high and low tide lines, or subject to flooding - :ref:`H ` * - MFGM - munitions plant - a factory where ammunition is made - :ref:`S ` * - MUS - museum - a building where objects of permanent interest in one or more of the arts and sciences are preserved and exhibited - :ref:`S ` * - NRWS - narrows - a navigable narrow part of a bay, strait, river, etc. - :ref:`H ` * - TNLN - natural tunnel - a cave that is open at both ends - :ref:`R ` * - RESN - nature reserve - an area reserved for the maintenance of a natural habitat - :ref:`L ` * - NVB - naval base - an area used to store supplies, provide barracks for troops and naval personnel, a port for naval vessels, and from which operations are initiated - :ref:`L ` * - CNLN - navigation canal(s) - a watercourse constructed for navigation of vessels - :ref:`H ` * - CHNN - navigation channel - a buoyed channel of sufficient depth for the safe navigation of vessels - :ref:`H ` * - MNNI - nickel mine(s) - a mine where nickel ore is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - NOV - novitiate - a religious house or school where novices are trained - :ref:`S ` * - PSN - nuclear power station - nuclear power station - :ref:`S ` * - NTK - nunatak - a rock or mountain peak protruding through glacial ice - :ref:`T ` * - NTKS - nunataks - rocks or mountain peaks protruding through glacial ice - :ref:`T ` * - NSY - nursery(-ies) - a place where plants are propagated for transplanting or grafting - :ref:`S ` * - OAS - oasis(-es) - an area in a desert made productive by the availability of water - :ref:`L ` * - OBPT - observation point - a wildlife or scenic observation point - :ref:`S ` * - OBS - observatory - a facility equipped for observation of atmospheric or space phenomena - :ref:`S ` * - OCN - ocean - one of the major divisions of the vast expanse of salt water covering part of the earth - :ref:`H ` * - BLDO - office building - commercial building where business and/or services are conducted - :ref:`S ` * - CMPO - oil camp - a camp used by oilfield workers - :ref:`S ` * - ESTO - oil palm plantation - an estate specializing in the cultivation of oil palm trees - :ref:`S ` * - OILP - oil pipeline - a pipeline used for transporting oil - :ref:`R ` * - OILJ - oil pipeline junction - a section of an oil pipeline where two or more pipes join together - :ref:`S ` * - TRMO - oil pipeline terminal - a tank farm or loading facility at the end of an oil pipeline - :ref:`S ` * - PMPO - oil pumping station - a facility for pumping oil through a pipeline - :ref:`S ` * - OILR - oil refinery - a facility for converting crude oil into refined petroleum products - :ref:`S ` * - OILW - oil well - a well from which oil may be pumped - :ref:`S ` * - OILF - oilfield - an area containing a subterranean store of petroleum of economic value - :ref:`L ` * - GRVO - olive grove - a planting of olive trees - :ref:`V ` * - MLO - olive oil mill - a mill where oil is extracted from olives - :ref:`S ` * - OCH - orchard(s) - a planting of fruit or nut trees - :ref:`V ` * - MLM - ore treatment plant - a facility for improving the metal content of ore by concentration - :ref:`S ` * - OVF - overfalls - an area of breaking waves caused by the meeting of currents or by waves moving against the current - :ref:`H ` * - LKO - oxbow lake - a crescent-shaped lake commonly found adjacent to meandering streams - :ref:`H ` * - PGDA - pagoda - a tower-like storied structure, usually a Buddhist shrine - :ref:`S ` * - PAL - palace - a large stately house, often a royal or presidential residence - :ref:`S ` * - GRVP - palm grove - a planting of palm trees - :ref:`V ` * - RESP - palm tree reserve - an area of palm trees where use is controlled - :ref:`L ` * - PAN - pan - a near-level shallow, natural depression or basin, usually containing an intermittent lake, pond, or pool - :ref:`T ` * - PANS - pans - a near-level shallow, natural depression or basin, usually containing an intermittent lake, pond, or pool - :ref:`T ` * - PRSH - parish - an ecclesiastical district - :ref:`A ` * - PRK - park - an area, often of forested land, maintained as a place of beauty, or for recreation - :ref:`L ` * - PRKGT - park gate - a controlled access to a park - :ref:`S ` * - PRKHQ - park headquarters - a park administrative facility - :ref:`S ` * - GARG - parking garage - a building or underground facility used exclusively for parking vehicles - :ref:`S ` * - PKLT - parking lot - an area used for parking vehicles - :ref:`S ` * - PASS - pass - a break in a mountain range or other high obstruction, used for transportation from one side to the other [See also gap] - :ref:`T ` * - PSTP - patrol post - a post from which patrols are sent out - :ref:`S ` * - PK - peak - a pointed elevation atop a mountain, ridge, or other hypsographic feature - :ref:`T ` * - PKS - peaks - pointed elevations atop a mountain, ridge, or other hypsographic features - :ref:`T ` * - PEAT - peat cutting area - an area where peat is harvested - :ref:`L ` * - PEN - peninsula - an elongate area of land projecting into a body of water and nearly surrounded by water - :ref:`T ` * - BSNP - petroleum basin - an area underlain by an oil-rich structural basin - :ref:`L ` * - MFGPH - phosphate works - a facility for producing fertilizer - :ref:`S ` * - PIER - pier - a structure built out into navigable water on piles providing berthing for ships and recreation - :ref:`S ` * - GRVPN - pine grove - a planting of pine trees - :ref:`V ` * - MNPL - placer mine(s) - a place where heavy metals are concentrated and running water is used to extract them from unconsolidated sediments - :ref:`S ` * - PLN - plain(s) - an extensive area of comparatively level to gently undulating land, lacking surface irregularities, and usually adjacent to a higher area - :ref:`T ` * - PLAT - plateau - an elevated plain with steep slopes on one or more sides, and often with incised streams - :ref:`T ` * - PT - point - a tapering piece of land projecting into a body of water, less prominent than a cape - :ref:`T ` * - PTS - points - tapering pieces of land projecting into a body of water, less prominent than a cape - :ref:`T ` * - PLDR - polder - an area reclaimed from the sea by diking and draining - :ref:`T ` * - PP - police post - a building in which police are stationed - :ref:`S ` * - PCL - political entity - political entity - :ref:`A ` * - PND - pond - a small standing waterbody - :ref:`H ` * - PNDS - ponds - small standing waterbodies - :ref:`H ` * - POOL - pool(s) - a small and comparatively still, deep part of a larger body of water such as a stream or harbor; or a small body of standing water - :ref:`H ` * - PPLL - populated locality - an area similar to a locality but with a small group of dwellings or other buildings - :ref:`P ` * - PPL - populated place - a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work - :ref:`P ` * - PPLS - populated places - cities, towns, villages, or other agglomerations of buildings where people live and work - :ref:`P ` * - PRT - port - a place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging waterborne cargo or passengers, usually located in a harbor - :ref:`L ` * - PTGE - portage - a place where boats, goods, etc., are carried overland between navigable waters - :ref:`R ` * - PO - post office - a public building in which mail is received, sorted and distributed - :ref:`S ` * - PS - power station - a facility for generating electric power - :ref:`S ` * - PRN - prison - a facility for confining prisoners - :ref:`S ` * - PRMN - promenade - a place for public walking, usually along a beach front - :ref:`R ` * - PROM - promontory(-ies) - a bluff or prominent hill overlooking or projecting into a lowland - :ref:`T ` * - PYR - pyramid - an ancient massive structure of square ground plan with four triangular faces meeting at a point and used for enclosing tombs - :ref:`S ` * - PYRS - pyramids - ancient massive structures of square ground plan with four triangular faces meeting at a point and used for enclosing tombs - :ref:`S ` * - MNQR - quarry(-ies) - a surface mine where building stone or gravel and sand, etc. are extracted - :ref:`S ` * - QUAY - quay - a structure of solid construction along a shore or bank which provides berthing for ships and which generally provides cargo handling facilities - :ref:`S ` * - QCKS - quicksand - an area where loose sand with water moving through it may become unstable when heavy objects are placed at the surface, causing them to sink - :ref:`L ` * - RECR - racetrack - a track where races are held - :ref:`S ` * - OBSR - radio observatory - a facility equipped with an array of antennae for receiving radio waves from space - :ref:`S ` * - STNR - radio station - a facility for producing and transmitting information by radio waves - :ref:`S ` * - RR - railroad - a permanent twin steel-rail track on which freight and passenger cars move long distances - :ref:`R ` * - RJCT - railroad junction - a place where two or more railroad tracks join - :ref:`R ` * - RSD - railroad siding - a short track parallel to and joining the main track - :ref:`S ` * - RSGNL - railroad signal - a signal at the entrance of a particular section of track governing the movement of trains - :ref:`S ` * - RSTN - railroad station - a facility comprising ticket office, platforms, etc. for loading and unloading train passengers and freight - :ref:`S ` * - RSTP - railroad stop - a place lacking station facilities where trains stop to pick up and unload passengers and freight - :ref:`S ` * - TNLRR - railroad tunnel - a tunnel through which a railroad passes - :ref:`R ` * - RYD - railroad yard - a system of tracks used for the making up of trains, and switching and storing freight cars - :ref:`R ` * - RNCH - ranch(es) - a large farm specializing in extensive grazing of livestock - :ref:`S ` * - RPDS - rapids - a turbulent section of a stream associated with a steep, irregular stream bed - :ref:`H ` * - RVN - ravine(s) - a small, narrow, deep, steep-sided stream channel, smaller than a gorge - :ref:`H ` * - RCH - reach - a straight section of a navigable stream or channel between two bends - :ref:`H ` * - RF - reef(s) - a surface-navigation hazard composed of consolidated material - :ref:`H ` * - PRNJ - reformatory - a facility for confining, training, and reforming young law offenders - :ref:`S ` * - CMPRF - refugee camp - a camp used by refugees - :ref:`S ` * - RGN - region - an area distinguished by one or more observable physical or cultural characteristics - :ref:`L ` * - CTRR - religious center - a facility where more than one religious activity is carried out, e.g., retreat, school, monastery, worship - :ref:`S ` * - PPLR - religious populated place - a populated place whose population is largely engaged in religious occupations - :ref:`P ` * - RLG - religious site - an ancient site of significant religious importance - :ref:`S ` * - ITTR - research institute - a facility where research is carried out - :ref:`S ` * - RESV - reservation - a tract of land set aside for aboriginal, tribal, or native populations - :ref:`L ` * - RES - reserve - a tract of public land reserved for future use or restricted as to use - :ref:`L ` * - RSV - reservoir(s) - an artificial pond or lake - :ref:`H ` * - RSRT - resort - a specialized facility for vacation, health, or participation sports activities - :ref:`S ` * - RHSE - resthouse - a structure maintained for the rest and shelter of travelers - :ref:`S ` * - RLGR - retreat - a place of temporary seclusion, especially for religious groups - :ref:`S ` * - RDGE - ridge(s) - a long narrow elevation with steep sides, and a more or less continuous crest - :ref:`T ` * - RD - road - an open way with improved surface for transportation of animals, people and vehicles - :ref:`R ` * - RDB - road bend - a conspicuously curved or bent section of a road - :ref:`R ` * - RDCUT - road cut - an excavation cut through a hill or ridge for a road - :ref:`R ` * - RDJCT - road junction - a place where two or more roads join - :ref:`R ` * - TNLRD - road tunnel - a tunnel through which a road passes - :ref:`R ` * - RDST - roadstead - an open anchorage affording less protection than a harbor - :ref:`H ` * - RK - rock - a conspicuous, isolated rocky mass - :ref:`T ` * - HMDA - rock desert - a relatively sand-free, high bedrock plateau in a hot desert, with or without a gravel veneer - :ref:`T ` * - RKFL - rockfall - an irregular mass of fallen rock at the base of a cliff or steep slope - :ref:`T ` * - RKS - rocks - conspicuous, isolated rocky masses - :ref:`T ` * - RKRY - rookery - a breeding place of a colony of birds or seals - :ref:`S ` * - ESTR - rubber plantation - an estate which specializes in growing and tapping rubber trees - :ref:`S ` * - RUIN - ruin(s) - a destroyed or decayed structure which is no longer functional - :ref:`S ` * - BDGQ - ruined bridge - a destroyed or decayed bridge which is no longer functional - :ref:`S ` * - DAMQ - ruined dam - a destroyed or decayed dam which is no longer functional - :ref:`S ` * - SBKH - sabkha(s) - a salt flat or salt encrusted plain subject to periodic inundation from flooding or high tides - :ref:`H ` * - SDL - saddle - a broad, open pass crossing a ridge or between hills or mountains - :ref:`T ` * - SALT - salt area - a shallow basin or flat where salt accumulates after periodic inundation - :ref:`L ` * - MFGN - salt evaporation ponds - diked salt ponds used in the production of solar evaporated salt - :ref:`H ` * - LKN - salt lake - an inland body of salt water with no outlet - :ref:`H ` * - LKSN - salt lakes - inland bodies of salt water with no outlet - :ref:`H ` * - MRSHN - salt marsh - a flat area, subject to periodic salt water inundation, dominated by grassy salt-tolerant plants - :ref:`H ` * - MNN - salt mine(s) - a mine from which salt is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - PNDN - salt pond - a small standing body of salt water often in a marsh or swamp, usually along a seacoast - :ref:`H ` * - PNDSN - salt ponds - small standing bodies of salt water often in a marsh or swamp, usually along a seacoast - :ref:`H ` * - SNTR - sanatorium - a facility where victims of physical or mental disorders are treated - :ref:`S ` * - SAND - sand area - a tract of land covered with sand - :ref:`T ` * - ERG - sandy desert - an extensive tract of shifting sand and sand dunes - :ref:`T ` * - STNS - satellite station - a facility for tracking and communicating with orbiting satellites - :ref:`S ` * - MLSW - sawmill - a mill where logs or lumber are sawn to specified shapes and sizes - :ref:`S ` * - SCH - school - building(s) where instruction in one or more branches of knowledge takes place - :ref:`S ` * - ADMS - school district - school district - :ref:`A ` * - STNB - scientific research base - a scientific facility used as a base from which research is carried out or monitored - :ref:`S ` * - SCRB - scrubland - an area of low trees, bushes, and shrubs stunted by some environmental limitation - :ref:`V ` * - SEA - sea - a large body of salt water more or less confined by continuous land or chains of islands forming a subdivision of an ocean - :ref:`H ` * - SCNU - seachannel - a continuously sloping, elongated depression commonly found in fans or plains and customarily bordered by levees on one or two sides - :ref:`U ` * - SCSU - seachannels - continuously sloping, elongated depressions commonly found in fans or plains and customarily bordered by levees on one or two sides - :ref:`U ` * - SMU - seamount - an elevation rising generally more than 1,000 meters and of limited extent across the summit - :ref:`U ` * - SMSU - seamounts - elevations rising generally more than 1,000 meters and of limited extent across the summit - :ref:`U ` * - AIRS - seaplane landing area - a place on a waterbody where floatplanes land and take off - :ref:`H ` * - PPLA - seat of a first-order administrative division - seat of a first-order administrative division (PPLC takes precedence over PPLA) - :ref:`P ` * - PPLA4 - seat of a fourth-order administrative division - seat of a fourth-order administrative division - :ref:`P ` * - PPLA2 - seat of a second-order administrative division - seat of a second-order administrative division - :ref:`P ` * - PPLA3 - seat of a third-order administrative division - seat of a third-order administrative division - :ref:`P ` * - ADM2 - second-order administrative division - a subdivision of a first-order administrative division - :ref:`A ` * - BNKX - section of bank - section of bank - :ref:`H ` * - CNLX - section of canal - section of canal - :ref:`H ` * - ESTX - section of estate - section of estate - :ref:`S ` * - HBRX - section of harbor - section of harbor - :ref:`H ` * - PCLIX - section of independent political entity - section of independent political entity - :ref:`A ` * - STMIX - section of intermittent stream - section of intermittent stream - :ref:`H ` * - ISLX - section of island - section of island - :ref:`T ` * - LGNX - section of lagoon - section of lagoon - :ref:`H ` * - LKX - section of lake - section of lake - :ref:`H ` * - PENX - section of peninsula - section of peninsula - :ref:`T ` * - PLNX - section of plain - section of plain - :ref:`T ` * - PLATX - section of plateau - section of plateau - :ref:`T ` * - PPLX - section of populated place - section of populated place - :ref:`P ` * - RFX - section of reef - section of reef - :ref:`H ` * - STMX - section of stream - section of stream - :ref:`H ` * - VALX - section of valley - section of valley - :ref:`T ` * - WADX - section of wadi - section of wadi - :ref:`H ` * - FLLSX - section of waterfall(s) - section of waterfall(s) - :ref:`H ` * - PCLS - semi-independent political entity - semi-independent political entity - :ref:`A ` * - SWT - sewage treatment plant - facility for the processing of sewage and/or wastewater - :ref:`S ` * - SHPF - sheepfold - a fence or wall enclosure for sheep and other small herd animals - :ref:`S ` * - SHOL - shoal(s) - a surface-navigation hazard composed of unconsolidated material - :ref:`H ` * - SHOPC - shopping center or mall - an urban shopping area featuring a variety of shops surrounding a usually open-air concourse reserved for pedestrian traffic; or a large suburban building or group of buildings containing various shops with associated passageways - :ref:`S ` * - SHOR - shore - a narrow zone bordering a waterbody which covers and uncovers at high and low water, respectively - :ref:`T ` * - SHRN - shrine - a structure or place memorializing a person or religious concept - :ref:`S ` * - SILL - sill - the low part of a gap or saddle separating basins - :ref:`H ` * - SINK - sinkhole - a small crater-shape depression in a karst area - :ref:`T ` * - ESTSL - sisal plantation - an estate that specializes in growing sisal - :ref:`S ` * - SLID - slide - a mound of earth material, at the base of a slope and the associated scoured area - :ref:`T ` * - SLP - slope(s) - a surface with a relatively uniform slope angle - :ref:`T ` * - SLCE - sluice - a conduit or passage for carrying off surplus water from a waterbody, usually regulated by means of a sluice gate - :ref:`S ` * - SNOW - snowfield - an area of permanent snow and ice forming the accumulation area of a glacier - :ref:`L ` * - SD - sound - a long arm of the sea forming a channel between the mainland and an island or islands; or connecting two larger bodies of water - :ref:`H ` * - SPA - spa - a resort area usually developed around a medicinal spring - :ref:`S ` * - CTRS - space center - a facility for launching, tracking, or controlling satellites and space vehicles - :ref:`S ` * - SPLY - spillway - a passage or outlet through which surplus water flows over, around or through a dam - :ref:`S ` * - SPIT - spit - a narrow, straight or curved continuation of a beach into a waterbody - :ref:`T ` * - SPNG - spring(s) - a place where ground water flows naturally out of the ground - :ref:`H ` * - SPUR - spur(s) - a subordinate ridge projecting outward from a hill, mountain or other elevation - :ref:`T ` * - SQR - square - a broad, open, public area near the center of a town or city - :ref:`S ` * - STBL - stable - a building for the shelter and feeding of farm animals, especially horses - :ref:`S ` * - STDM - stadium - a structure with an enclosure for athletic games with tiers of seats for spectators - :ref:`S ` * - STPS - steps - stones or slabs placed for ease in ascending or descending a steep slope - :ref:`S ` * - STKR - stock route - a route taken by livestock herds - :ref:`R ` * - REG - stony desert - a desert plain characterized by a surface veneer of gravel and stones - :ref:`T ` * - RET - store - a building where goods and/or services are offered for sale - :ref:`S ` * - SHSE - storehouse - a building for storing goods, especially provisions - :ref:`S ` * - STRT - strait - a relatively narrow waterway, usually narrower and less extensive than a sound, connecting two larger bodies of water - :ref:`H ` * - STM - stream - a body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land - :ref:`H ` * - BNKR - stream bank - a sloping margin of a stream channel which normally confines the stream to its channel on land - :ref:`H ` * - STMB - stream bend - a conspicuously curved or bent segment of a stream - :ref:`H ` * - STMGS - stream gauging station - named place where a measuring station for a watercourse, reservoir or other water body exists - :ref:`S ` * - STMM - stream mouth(s) - a place where a stream discharges into a lagoon, lake, or the sea - :ref:`H ` * - STMS - streams - bodies of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land - :ref:`H ` * - ST - street - a paved urban thoroughfare - :ref:`R ` * - DAMSB - sub-surface dam - a dam put down to bedrock in a sand river - :ref:`S ` * - SUBW - subway - a railroad used for mass public transportation primarily in urban areas, all or part of the system may be located below, above, or at ground level - :ref:`S ` * - SUBS - subway station - a facility comprising ticket office, platforms, etc. for loading and unloading subway passengers - :ref:`S ` * - MLSG - sugar mill - a facility where sugar cane is processed into raw sugar - :ref:`S ` * - ESTSG - sugar plantation - an estate that specializes in growing sugar cane - :ref:`S ` * - MFGSG - sugar refinery - a facility for converting raw sugar into refined sugar - :ref:`S ` * - SPNS - sulphur spring(s) - a place where sulphur ground water flows naturally out of the ground - :ref:`H ` * - SWMP - swamp - a wetland dominated by tree vegetation - :ref:`H ` * - SYG - synagogue - a place for Jewish worship and religious instruction - :ref:`S ` * - TMTU - tablemount (or guyot) - a seamount having a comparatively smooth, flat top - :ref:`U ` * - TMSU - tablemounts (or guyots) - seamounts having a comparatively smooth, flat top - :ref:`U ` * - TAL - talus slope - a steep concave slope formed by an accumulation of loose rock fragments at the base of a cliff or steep slope - :ref:`T ` * - OILT - tank farm - a tract of land occupied by large, cylindrical, metal tanks in which oil or liquid petrochemicals are stored - :ref:`S ` * - ESTT - tea plantation - an estate which specializes in growing tea bushes - :ref:`S ` * - SCHT - technical school - post-secondary school with a specifically technical or vocational curriculum - :ref:`S ` * - TMPL - temple(s) - an edifice dedicated to religious worship - :ref:`S ` * - AIRT - terminal - airport facilities for the handling of freight and passengers - :ref:`S ` * - TRR - terrace - a long, narrow alluvial platform bounded by steeper slopes above and below, usually overlooking a waterbody - :ref:`T ` * - TERR - territory - territory - :ref:`A ` * - ADM3 - third-order administrative division - a subdivision of a second-order administrative division - :ref:`A ` * - CRKT - tidal creek(s) - a meandering channel in a coastal wetland subject to bi-directional tidal currents - :ref:`H ` * - FLTT - tidal flat(s) - a large flat area of mud or sand attached to the shore and alternately covered and uncovered by the tide - :ref:`H ` * - MNSN - tin mine(s) - a mine where tin ore is extracted - :ref:`S ` * - TOLL - toll gate/barrier - highway toll collection station - :ref:`S ` * - TMB - tomb(s) - a structure for interring bodies - :ref:`S ` * - TOWR - tower - a high conspicuous structure, typically much higher than its diameter - :ref:`S ` * - RDCR - traffic circle - a road junction formed around a central circle about which traffic moves in one direction only - :ref:`S ` * - TRL - trail - a path, track, or route used by pedestrians, animals, or off-road vehicles - :ref:`R ` * - TRANT - transit terminal - facilities for the handling of vehicular freight and passengers - :ref:`S ` * - TREE - tree(s) - a conspicuous tree used as a landmark - :ref:`V ` * - TRIG - triangulation station - a point on the earth whose position has been determined by triangulation - :ref:`S ` * - TRB - tribal area - a tract of land used by nomadic or other tribes - :ref:`L ` * - TUND - tundra - a marshy, treeless, high latitude plain, dominated by mosses, lichens, and low shrub vegetation under permafrost conditions - :ref:`V ` * - TNL - tunnel - a subterranean passageway for transportation - :ref:`R ` * - TNLS - tunnels - subterranean passageways for transportation - :ref:`R ` * - CNLSB - underground irrigation canal(s) - a gently inclined underground tunnel bringing water for irrigation from aquifers - :ref:`H ` * - LKSB - underground lake - a standing body of water in a cave - :ref:`H ` * - APNU - undersea apron - a gentle slope, with a generally smooth surface, particularly found around groups of islands and seamounts - :ref:`U ` * - ARCU - undersea arch - a low bulge around the southeastern end of the island of Hawaii - :ref:`U ` * - ARRU - undersea arrugado - an area of subdued corrugations off Baja California - :ref:`U ` * - BNKU - undersea bank - an elevation, typically located on a shelf, over which the depth of water is relatively shallow but sufficient for safe surface navigation - :ref:`U ` * - BKSU - undersea banks - elevations, typically located on a shelf, over which the depth of water is relatively shallow but sufficient for safe surface navigation - :ref:`U ` * - BSNU - undersea basin - a depression more or less equidimensional in plan and of variable extent - :ref:`U ` * - BNCU - undersea bench - a small terrace - :ref:`U ` * - BDLU - undersea borderland - a region adjacent to a continent, normally occupied by or bordering a shelf, that is highly irregular with depths well in excess of those typical of a shelf - :ref:`U ` * - CNYU - undersea canyon - a relatively narrow, deep depression with steep sides, the bottom of which generally has a continuous slope - :ref:`U ` * - CNSU - undersea canyons - relatively narrow, deep depressions with steep sides, the bottom of which generally has a continuous slope - :ref:`U ` * - CDAU - undersea cordillera - an entire mountain system including the subordinate ranges, interior plateaus, and basins - :ref:`U ` * - ESCU - undersea escarpment (or scarp) - an elongated and comparatively steep slope separating flat or gently sloping areas - :ref:`U ` * - FANU - undersea fan - a relatively smooth feature normally sloping away from the lower termination of a canyon or canyon system - :ref:`U ` * - FLTU - undersea flat - a small level or nearly level area - :ref:`U ` * - FRKU - undersea fork - a branch of a canyon or valley - :ref:`U ` * - FRSU - undersea forks - a branch of a canyon or valley - :ref:`U ` * - FRZU - undersea fracture zone - an extensive linear zone of irregular topography of the sea floor, characterized by steep-sided or asymmetrical ridges, troughs, or escarpments - :ref:`U ` * - FURU - undersea furrow - a closed, linear, narrow, shallow depression - :ref:`U ` * - GAPU - undersea gap - a narrow break in a ridge or rise - :ref:`U ` * - GLYU - undersea gully - a small valley-like feature - :ref:`U ` * - HLLU - undersea hill - an elevation rising generally less than 500 meters - :ref:`U ` * - HLSU - undersea hills - elevations rising generally less than 500 meters - :ref:`U ` * - HOLU - undersea hole - a small depression of the sea floor - :ref:`U ` * - KNLU - undersea knoll - an elevation rising generally more than 500 meters and less than 1,000 meters and of limited extent across the summit - :ref:`U ` * - KNSU - undersea knolls - elevations rising generally more than 500 meters and less than 1,000 meters and of limited extent across the summits - :ref:`U ` * - LDGU - undersea ledge - a rocky projection or outcrop, commonly linear and near shore - :ref:`U ` * - LEVU - undersea levee - an embankment bordering a canyon, valley, or seachannel - :ref:`U ` * - MDVU - undersea median valley - the axial depression of the mid-oceanic ridge system - :ref:`U ` * - MESU - undersea mesa - an isolated, extensive, flat-topped elevation on the shelf, with relatively steep sides - :ref:`U ` * - MOTU - undersea moat - an annular depression that may not be continuous, located at the base of many seamounts, islands, and other isolated elevations - :ref:`U ` * - MNDU - undersea mound - a low, isolated, rounded hill - :ref:`U ` * - MTU - undersea mountain - a well-delineated subdivision of a large and complex positive feature - :ref:`U ` * - MTSU - undersea mountains - well-delineated subdivisions of a large and complex positive feature - :ref:`U ` * - PKU - undersea peak - a prominent elevation, part of a larger feature, either pointed or of very limited extent across the summit - :ref:`U ` * - PKSU - undersea peaks - prominent elevations, part of a larger feature, either pointed or of very limited extent across the summit - :ref:`U ` * - PNLU - undersea pinnacle - a high tower or spire-shaped pillar of rock or coral, alone or cresting a summit - :ref:`U ` * - PLNU - undersea plain - a flat, gently sloping or nearly level region - :ref:`U ` * - PLTU - undersea plateau - a comparatively flat-topped feature of considerable extent, dropping off abruptly on one or more sides - :ref:`U ` * - PLFU - undersea platform - a flat or gently sloping underwater surface extending seaward from the shore - :ref:`U ` * - PRVU - undersea province - a region identifiable by a group of similar physiographic features whose characteristics are markedly in contrast with surrounding areas - :ref:`U ` * - RMPU - undersea ramp - a gentle slope connecting areas of different elevations - :ref:`U ` * - RNGU - undersea range - a series of associated ridges or seamounts - :ref:`U ` * - RAVU - undersea ravine - a small canyon - :ref:`U ` * - RFU - undersea reef - a surface-navigation hazard composed of consolidated material - :ref:`U ` * - RFSU - undersea reefs - surface-navigation hazards composed of consolidated material - :ref:`U ` * - RDGU - undersea ridge - a long narrow elevation with steep sides - :ref:`U ` * - RDSU - undersea ridges - long narrow elevations with steep sides - :ref:`U ` * - RISU - undersea rise - a broad elevation that rises gently, and generally smoothly, from the sea floor - :ref:`U ` * - SDLU - undersea saddle - a low part, resembling in shape a saddle, in a ridge or between contiguous seamounts - :ref:`U ` * - SHFU - undersea shelf - a zone adjacent to a continent (or around an island) that extends from the low water line to a depth at which there is usually a marked increase of slope towards oceanic depths - :ref:`U ` * - EDGU - undersea shelf edge - a line along which there is a marked increase of slope at the outer margin of a continental shelf or island shelf - :ref:`U ` * - SHVU - undersea shelf valley - a valley on the shelf, generally the shoreward extension of a canyon - :ref:`U ` * - SHLU - undersea shoal - a surface-navigation hazard composed of unconsolidated material - :ref:`U ` * - SHSU - undersea shoals - hazards to surface navigation composed of unconsolidated material - :ref:`U ` * - SILU - undersea sill - the low part of an underwater gap or saddle separating basins, including a similar feature at the mouth of a fjord - :ref:`U ` * - SLPU - undersea slope - the slope seaward from the shelf edge to the beginning of a continental rise or the point where there is a general reduction in slope - :ref:`U ` * - SPRU - undersea spur - a subordinate elevation, ridge, or rise projecting outward from a larger feature - :ref:`U ` * - TERU - undersea terrace - a relatively flat horizontal or gently inclined surface, sometimes long and narrow, which is bounded by a steeper ascending slope on one side and by a steep descending slope on the opposite side - :ref:`U ` * - TNGU - undersea tongue - an elongate (tongue-like) extension of a flat sea floor into an adjacent higher feature - :ref:`U ` * - TRNU - undersea trench - a long, narrow, characteristically very deep and asymmetrical depression of the sea floor, with relatively steep sides - :ref:`U ` * - TRGU - undersea trough - a long depression of the sea floor characteristically flat bottomed and steep sided, and normally shallower than a trench - :ref:`U ` * - VALU - undersea valley - a relatively shallow, wide depression, the bottom of which usually has a continuous gradient - :ref:`U ` * - VLSU - undersea valleys - a relatively shallow, wide depression, the bottom of which usually has a continuous gradient - :ref:`U ` * - USGE - United States Government Establishment - a facility operated by the United States Government in Panama - :ref:`S ` * - UPLD - upland - an extensive interior region of high land with low to moderate surface relief - :ref:`T ` * - VAL - valley - an elongated depression usually traversed by a stream - :ref:`T ` * - VALS - valleys - elongated depressions usually traversed by a stream - :ref:`T ` * - VETF - veterinary facility - a building or camp at which veterinary services are available - :ref:`S ` * - VIN - vineyard - a planting of grapevines - :ref:`V ` * - VINS - vineyards - plantings of grapevines - :ref:`V ` * - VLC - volcano - a conical elevation composed of volcanic materials with a crater at the top - :ref:`T ` * - WAD - wadi - a valley or ravine, bounded by relatively steep banks, which in the rainy season becomes a watercourse; found primarily in North Africa and the Middle East - :ref:`H ` * - WADB - wadi bend - a conspicuously curved or bent segment of a wadi - :ref:`H ` * - WADJ - wadi junction - a place where two or more wadies join - :ref:`H ` * - WADM - wadi mouth - the lower terminus of a wadi where it widens into an adjoining floodplain, depression, or waterbody - :ref:`H ` * - WADS - wadies - valleys or ravines, bounded by relatively steep banks, which in the rainy season become watercourses; found primarily in North Africa and the Middle East - :ref:`H ` * - WALL - wall - a thick masonry structure, usually enclosing a field or building, or forming the side of a structure - :ref:`S ` * - MLWTR - water mill - a mill powered by running water - :ref:`S ` * - PMPW - water pumping station - a facility for pumping water from a major well or through a pipeline - :ref:`S ` * - RSVT - water tank - a contained pool or tank of water at, below, or above ground level - :ref:`H ` * - WTRC - watercourse - a natural, well-defined channel produced by flowing water, or an artificial channel designed to carry flowing water - :ref:`H ` * - FLLS - waterfall(s) - a perpendicular or very steep descent of the water of a stream - :ref:`H ` * - WTRH - waterhole(s) - a natural hole, hollow, or small depression that contains water, used by man and animals, especially in arid areas - :ref:`H ` * - WTRW - waterworks - a facility for supplying potable water through a water source and a system of pumps and filtration beds - :ref:`S ` * - WEIR - weir(s) - a small dam in a stream, designed to raise the water level or to divert stream flow through a desired channel - :ref:`S ` * - WLL - well - a cylindrical hole, pit, or tunnel drilled or dug down to a depth from which water, oil, or gas can be pumped or brought to the surface - :ref:`H ` * - WLLS - wells - cylindrical holes, pits, or tunnels drilled or dug down to a depth from which water, oil, or gas can be pumped or brought to the surface - :ref:`H ` * - WTLD - wetland - an area subject to inundation, usually characterized by bog, marsh, or swamp vegetation - :ref:`H ` * - STNW - whaling station - a facility for butchering whales and processing train oil - :ref:`S ` * - WHRF - wharf(-ves) - a structure of open rather than solid construction along a shore or a bank which provides berthing for ships and cargo-handling facilities - :ref:`S ` * - WHRL - whirlpool - a turbulent, rotating movement of water in a stream - :ref:`H ` * - RESW - wildlife reserve - a tract of public land reserved for the preservation of wildlife - :ref:`L ` * - MLWND - windmill - a mill or water pump powered by wind - :ref:`S ` * - WRCK - wreck - the site of the remains of a wrecked vessel - :ref:`S ` * - ZN - zone - zone - :ref:`A ` * - ZOO - zoo - a zoological garden or park where wild animals are kept for exhibition - :ref:`S `