Related Activity Type ===================== This is a :ref:`Core codelist `. Use this codelist for --------------------- * :ref:`iati-activities/iati-activity/related-activity/@type ` Download this codelist ---------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - :ref:`CLv1 `: - :ref:`CLv2 `: - :ref:`CLv3 `: - :ref:`CLv3 (french) `: * - `CSV <../downloads/clv1/codelist/RelatedActivityType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv2/csv/en/RelatedActivityType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/en/RelatedActivityType.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/fr/RelatedActivityType.csv>`__ * - `JSON <../downloads/clv1/codelist/RelatedActivityType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv2/json/en/RelatedActivityType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/en/RelatedActivityType.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/fr/RelatedActivityType.json>`__ * - `XML <../downloads/clv1/codelist/RelatedActivityType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv2/xml/RelatedActivityType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/RelatedActivityType.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/RelatedActivityType.xml>`__ `GitHub Source `__ Codes ----- .. _RelatedActivityType: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Code - Name - Description * - 1 - Parent - An activity that contains sub-activities (sub-components) which are reported separately to IATI * - 2 - Child - A sub-activity (or sub-component) that sits within a larger activity (parent) which is also reported to IATI * - 3 - Sibling - A sub-activity (or sub-component) that is related to another sub-activity with the same parent * - 4 - Co-funded - An activity that receives funding from more than one organisation * - 5 - Third Party - A report by another organisation on the same activity you are reporting (excluding activities reported as part of a financial transaction - e.g. provider-activity-id or a co-funded activity, using code 4) Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ 2.01 ^^^^ | The following new code was added to *RelatedActivityType*: `5 (Third Party) `__