Sector Vocabulary ================= This is a :ref:`Non-Core codelist `. Use this codelist for --------------------- * :ref:`iati-activities/iati-activity/sector/@vocabulary ` * :ref:`iati-activities/iati-activity/transaction/sector/@vocabulary ` Download this codelist ---------------------- .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - :ref:`CLv1 `: - :ref:`CLv2 `: - :ref:`CLv3 `: - :ref:`CLv3 (french) `: * - `CSV <../downloads/clv1/codelist/SectorVocabulary.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv2/csv/en/SectorVocabulary.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/en/SectorVocabulary.csv>`__ - `CSV <../downloads/clv3/csv/fr/SectorVocabulary.csv>`__ * - `JSON <../downloads/clv1/codelist/SectorVocabulary.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv2/json/en/SectorVocabulary.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/en/SectorVocabulary.json>`__ - `JSON <../downloads/clv3/json/fr/SectorVocabulary.json>`__ * - `XML <../downloads/clv1/codelist/SectorVocabulary.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv2/xml/SectorVocabulary.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/SectorVocabulary.xml>`__ - `XML <../downloads/clv3/xml/SectorVocabulary.xml>`__ `GitHub Source `__ Codes ----- .. _SectorVocabulary: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Code - Name - Description - URL * - 1 - OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (5 digit) - The sector reported corresponds to an OECD DAC CRS 5-digit purpose code - * - 2 - OECD DAC CRS Purpose Codes (3 digit) - The sector reported corresponds to an OECD DAC CRS 3-digit purpose code - * - 3 - Classification of the Functions of Government (UN) - The sector reported corresponds to the UN Classification of the Functions of Government (CoFoG) - * - 4 - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community - The sector reported corresponds to the statistical classifications of economic activities in the European Community - * - 5 - National Taxonomy for Exempt Entities (USA) - The sector reported corresponds to the National Taxonomy for Exempt Entities (NTEE) - USA - * - 6 - AidData - The sector reported corresponds to AidData classifications - * - 7 - SDG Goal - A value from the top-level list of UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) (e.g. ‘1’) - * - 8 - SDG Target - A value from the second-level list of UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) (e.g. ‘1.1’) - * - 9 - SDG Indicator - A value from the second-level list of UN sustainable development (SDG) indicators - * - 10 - Humanitarian Global Clusters (Inter-Agency Standing Committee) - The sector reported corresponds to an Inter-Agency Standard Committee Humanitarian Global Cluster code - * - 11 - North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) - The sector reported corresponds to the NAICS codelist - * - 12 - UN System Function - The sector reported corresponds to the UN System Function codelist - * - 99 - Reporting Organisation - The sector reported corresponds to a sector vocabulary maintained by the reporting organisation for this activity - * - 98 - Reporting Organisation 2 - The sector reported corresponds to a sector vocabulary maintained by the reporting organisation for this activity (if they are referencing more than one) - Changelog ~~~~~~~~~ 2.01 ^^^^ | The *SectorVocabulary* codelist was `added `__, with the *Vocabulary* codelist being split.