period-end ========== ``iati-organisations/iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end`` This is the reference page for the XML element ``period-end``. .. index:: single: period-end Definition ~~~~~~~~~~ The end of the period (which must not be greater than one year) Rules ~~~~~ This element must occur once and only once (within each parent element). Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ .. _iati-organisations/iati-organisation/total-budget/period-end/.iso-date: @iso-date This attribute is required. This value must be of type xsd:date. ``period-start/@iso-date`` must be before or the same as ``period-end/@iso-date`` The time between ``period-start/@iso-date`` and ``period-end/@iso-date`` must not be over a year Example Usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example ``period-end`` of ``total-budget`` for an ``iati-organisation``. | An example date is declared in the ``@iso-date`` attribute. | This example date format conform to the *xsd:date* standard - for most cases *YYYY-MM-DD* is sufficient. .. literalinclude:: ../../../organisation-standard-example-annotated.xml :language: xml :start-after: :end-before: Developer tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Find the source of this documentation on github: * `Schema `_ * `Extra Documentation `_