Schema ====== | The **IATI standard** consists of a number of schema, the main ones being *Organisation* and *Activity*. | Summary tables of the :doc:`Activity Schema ` and of the :doc:`Organisation Schema ` are also available. Core Schema ----------- The current suite IATI XML schemas consists of the following components: - `iati-organisations-schema.xsd `__ - XML schema for describing an organisation involved in any stage development cooperation (funding, implementing etc.). - `iati-activities-schema.xsd `__ - XML Schema for describing the details of individual development cooperation activities/projects. Supplementary Schema -------------------- | In addition to the *Organisation* and *Activity*. core terms are described in the following: - `iati-common.xsd `__ - A supplementary schema with common IATI markup.  Must be in the same directory as the *Organisation* and *Activity* schema. - `xml.xsd `__ -  A supplementary schema that must be in the same directory as the *Organisation* and *Activity* schema. Metadata Schema --------------- | The Registry Record provides a common format for the reporting of metadata to the IATI Registry. | Please note: Usage of this schema is not mandatory. - `iati-registry-record-schema.xsd `__ - An application-specific extension schema for importing documents into the IATI registry Updates to IATI Schema ---------------------- | The **IATI standard** is a living entity that requires improvement over time. | A `CHANGES.txt `__ -  provides a comprehensive change log. Previous schemas ---------------- | Previous versions of the IATI Schema are available: - `Version 2.02 of IATI Standard `__ - `Version 2.01 of IATI Standard `__ - `Version 1.05 of IATI Standard `__ - `Version 1.04 of IATI Standard `__ - `Version 1.03 of IATI Standard `__ - `Version 1.02 of IATI Standard `__ - `Version 1.01 of IATI Standard `__