

This is the reference page for the XML element condition.


The text of a specific condition attached to the activity. Organisation-wide terms and conditions that apply to all activities should not be reported here, but in either iati-organisation/document-link or iati-activity-document-link


This element may occur any number of times.



An IATI code defining the type of condition.

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the ConditionType codelist.

Example Usage

Example condition child element of conditions of an iati-activity.

The @type attribute declares a valid code (1) from the ConditionType codelist.
  <conditions attached="1">
   <condition type="1">
    <narrative>Conditions text</narrative>
    <narrative xml:lang="fr">Conditions texte</narrative>
The condition element can be repeated in any conditions of an iati-activity.



Freetext is no longer allowed with this element. It should now be declared with the new child narrative element.


It was always the intention of the standard that a condition could be specified in different languages but the schema has never allowed it.
This has now been fixed.

Developer tools

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