

This is the reference page for the XML element other-flags.


This covers the four CRS++ columns titled: “Free standing technical cooperation”; “Programme-based approach”; “Investment project”; “Associated financing”


This element may occur any number of times.



An IATI code describing the equivalent CRS++ columns

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the CRSAddOtherFlags codelist.


A boolean indicating whether the flag applies. If ‘false’ do not report the flag

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:boolean.

Example Usage

Example usage of other-flags of crs-add for an iati-activity.

The @code attribute declares a valid code (1) from the CRSAddOtherFlags codelist.
A @significance boolean of 1 indicates that this flag is reported.
   <other-flags code="1" significance="1" />
   <loan-terms rate-1="4" rate-2="3">
    <repayment-type code="1" />
    <repayment-plan code="4" />
    <commitment-date iso-date="2013-09-01"/>
    <repayment-first-date iso-date="2014-01-01" />
    <repayment-final-date iso-date="2020-12-31" />
   <loan-status year="2014" currency="GBP" value-date="2013-05-24">



The element aid-type-flag has been renamed.

The associated codelist AidTypeFlag has been renamed as CRSAddOtherFlags


New in 1.03
Added the optional crs-add element and its child elements

Developer tools

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