

This is the reference page for the XML element location-id.


A unique code describing the location according to a recognised gazetteer or administrative boundary repository. Administrative areas should only be reported here if the location being defined is the administrative area itself. For describing the administrative area/s within which a more specific location falls the location/administrative element should be used.


This element may occur any number of times.



A code from the gazetteer or administrative boundary repository specified by the vocabulary

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.


An IATI code for a recognised gazetteer or administrative boundary repository.

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the GeographicVocabulary codelist.

Example Usage

Example usage of location-id within a location of an iati-activity..

The @vocabulary attribute declares a valid code (G1) from the GeographicVocabulary codelist.
An example value of 1453782 from that vocabulary is declared in the @code attribute.
  <location ref="AF-KAN">
   <location-reach code="1" />
   <location-id vocabulary="G1" code="1453782" />
  <narrative>Location name</narrative>
  <narrative>Location description</narrative>
  <narrative>A description that qualifies the activity taking place at the location.</narrative>
   <administrative vocabulary="G1" level="1" code="1453782" />
   <point srsName="http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326">
    <pos>31.616944 65.716944</pos>
   <exactness code="1"/>
   <location-class code="2"/>
   <feature-designation code="ADMF"/>

Note: If the GeographicVocabulary G2 (Open Street Map) is used, then the @code value should be of the form <OSM element>/<OSM identifier>

The OSM element will be a node, way or relation.

  • node/1234567

  • way/1234567

  • relation/1234567

<location-id vocabulary="G2" code="node/25524229" />



Freetext is no longer allowed within this element.


New in 1.04
The location-id element was introduced in 1.04 to replace the gazetteer-entry element which was deprecated in 1.04

Developer tools

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