

This is the reference page for the XML element participating-org.


An organisation involved with the activity. May be a donor, fund, agency, etc. Specifying the @ref identifier is strongly recommended. May contain the organisation name as narrative.

If the reporting organisation plays a role in the activity it should be repeated here. One organisation may play more than one role (eg, funding and implementing): in such a case each role should be reported and the name of the organisation repeated.


This element must occur at least once (within each parent element).



Machine-readable identification string for the organisation issuing the report. Must be in the format {RegistrationAgency}-{RegistrationNumber} where {RegistrationAgency} is a valid code in the Organisation Registration Agency code list and {RegistrationNumber} is a valid identifier issued by the {RegistrationAgency}. If this is not present then the narrative MUST contain the name of the organisation.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

participating-org/@ref should match the regex [^\/\&\|\?]+

Either @ref or narrative must be present.


The type of organisation issuing the report. See IATI codelist for values.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the OrganisationType codelist.


An IATI code describing the organisation’s role in the activity (donor, agency, etc.).

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the OrganisationRole codelist.


A valid activity identifier published by the participating organisation which points to the activity that it has published to IATI that describes its role in this activity.

This value must be of type xsd:string.


Under CRS++ Reporting Directives this code identifies the implementing agency. Codes ending in ‘00’ are generic and are similar to the OrganisationType code.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the CRSChannelCode codelist.

Example Usage

Example participating-org in an iati-activity.

An example organisation @ref of BB-BBB-123456789 is declared.
The @role attribute declares a valid code (2) from the OrganisationRole codelist.
The @type attribute declares a valid code (40) from the OrganisationType codelist.
The @activity-id attribute declares an IATI activity identifier.
The @crs-channel-code attribute declares the CRS Channel Code for the participating organisation.
<participating-org ref="BB-BBB-123456789" role="2" type="40" activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234">
        <narrative>Name of Agency B</narrative>

As demonstrated in the the above example, it is strongly recommended that the name of the organisation is provided (using the narrative child element) in addition to a valid organisation identifier. Where an organisation identifier is not present the name (using the narrative child element) is mandatory.

The participating-org element can be repeated in any iati-activity.
In this example, three participating-org are declared.
  <participating-org ref="BB-BBB-123456789" role="1" type="40" activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234">
   <narrative>Name of Agency B</narrative>
  <participating-org ref="CC-CCC-123456789" role="2" type="10" activity-id="CC-CCC-123456789-1234">
   <narrative>Name of Agency C</narrative>
  <participating-org ref="AA-AAA-123456789" role="3" type="21" activity-id="AA-AAA-123456789-1234" crs-channel-code="000000">
   <narrative>Name of Agency A</narrative>
   <narrative xml:lang="fr">Nom de l'agence A</narrative>



The definition of the @ref attribute was updated.
The @crs-channel-code attribute was added.


The activity-id attribute was added.


Freetext is no longer allowed with this element. It should now be declared with the new child narrative element.

The OrganisationRole codelist was changed to numeric codes

Developer tools

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