

This is the reference page for the XML element provider-org.


The organisation from which the planned disbursement will originate. If omitted the reporting-org is assumed.


This element must occur no more than once (within each parent element).



Machine-readable identification string for the organisation issuing the report. Must be in the format {RegistrationAgency}-{RegistrationNumber} where {RegistrationAgency} is a valid code in the Organisation Registration Agency code list and {RegistrationNumber} is a valid identifier issued by the {RegistrationAgency}. If this is not present then the narrative MUST contain the name of the organisation.

This value must be of type xsd:string.


The identifier for the activity in which the planned disbursement will be reported. If omitted the current activity is assumed.

This value must be of type xsd:string.


The type of organisation providing the funds.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the OrganisationType codelist.

Example Usage

Example usage of provider-org of a planned-disbursement in an iati-activity.

This example declares the organisation identifier with the @ref attribute.
This example also declares the type of organisation which provided the funds, using the @type attribute.
<provider-org ref="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" type="10" />
This example declares the unique iati-identifier of the reported iati-activity from where the transaction is provided, with the @provider-activity-id attribute.
<provider-org ref="BB-BBB-123456789" type="10" provider-activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" />

Full example, within a planned-disbursement.

  <planned-disbursement type="1">
   <period-start iso-date="2014-01-01" />
   <period-end iso-date="2014-12-31" />
   <value currency="EUR" value-date="2014-01-01">3000</value>
   <provider-org provider-activity-id="BB-BBB-123456789-1234AA" type="10" ref="BB-BBB-123456789">
    <narrative>Agency B</narrative>
   <receiver-org receiver-activity-id="AA-AAA-123456789-1234" type="23" ref="AA-AAA-123456789">
    <narrative>Agency A</narrative>



The definition of the @ref attribute was updated.


The optional provider-org element was added.

Developer tools

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