

This is the reference page for the XML element narrative.


The free text name or description of the item being described. This can be repeated in multiple languages.


The text in this element must be of type xsd:string.

This element must occur at least once (within each parent element).


Example Usage

The narrative child element can be used to declare freetext for the title element.

 <document-link format="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" url="">
   <narrative>Annual Report 2013</narrative>
  <category code="B01" />
  <language code="en" />
  <document-date iso-date="2014-02-05" />
  <recipient-country code="AF" />
The narrative element can be repeated for any language additional to the default language set in iati-organisation, by using the xml:lang attribute.
Note: This relates to the language of the text in the XML.
 <document-link format="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" url="">
    <narrative>Annual Report 2013</narrative>
    <narrative xml:lang="fr">Rapport annuel 2013</narrative>
   <category code="B01" />
   <language code="en" />
   <document-date iso-date="2014-02-05" />
   <recipient-country code="AF" />



The narrative element was introduced in 2.01.

Developer tools

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