

This is the reference page for the XML element reference.


A standardised means of identifying the indicator from a code in a recognised vocabulary. Multiple vocabularies may be specified, but each vocabulary may be specified only once for each indicator.


This element may occur any number of times.

There must be no more than one element or attribute matched at reference[1] or ../reference[1].



A code for a recognised vocabulary of indicators. The value for this field should appear in the IndicatorVocabulary codelist.

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value should be on the IndicatorVocabulary codelist.


A code for an indicator defined in the specified vocabulary specified.

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:string.


The URI where this vocabulary is defined. If the vocabulary is 99 (reporting organisation), the URI where this internal vocabulary is defined. While this is an optional field it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that all publishers use it to ensure that the meaning of their codes are fully understood by data users.

This value must be of type xsd:anyURI.

Example Usage

Example of reference in the context of an indicator of a result element.

This example declares use of @vocabulary 1, with a @code of 3429:
<reference vocabulary="1" code="3429" />

If a publisher uses a vocabulary of 99 (i.e. ‘Reporting Organisation’), then the @indicator-uri attribute should also be used, for example:

<reference vocabulary="99" code="B1" indicator-uri="" />
The reference element can be repeated in any indicator. If the reference element is reported at indicator level it must not be reported at result level:
   <indicator measure="1" ascending="1" aggregation-status="1">
      <narrative>Indicator title</narrative>
      <narrative>Indicator description text</narrative>
     <document-link format="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" url="">
       <narrative>Results Indicator Report 2013</narrative>
        <narrative>Report of results indicator</narrative>
      <category code="A01" />
      <language code="en" />
      <document-date iso-date="2014-02-05" />
     <reference vocabulary="1" code="3429" />
     <reference vocabulary="7" code="861" />
     <reference vocabulary="99" code="B1" indicator-uri="" />
<!--result-baseline starts-->
     <baseline year="2012" iso-date="2012-01-01" value="10">
      <location ref="AF-KAN" />
      <location ref="KH-PNH" />
      <dimension name="sex" value="female" />
      <dimension name="age" value="adult" />
      <document-link format="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" url="">
        <narrative>Results Baseline Report 2013</narrative>
         <narrative>Report of results baseline</narrative>
       <category code="A01" />
       <language code="en" />
       <document-date iso-date="2014-02-05" />
       <narrative>Baseline comment text</narrative>
     <!--result-baseline ends-->
     <!--result-period starts-->
      <period-start iso-date="2013-01-01" />
      <period-end iso-date="2013-03-31" />
      <target value="10">
       <location ref="AF-KAN" />
       <location ref="KH-PNH" />
       <dimension name="sex" value="female" />
       <dimension name="age" value="adult" />
        <narrative>Target comment text</narrative>
       <document-link format="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" url="">
         <narrative>Results Period Target Report 2013</narrative>
          <narrative>Report of results period target</narrative>
        <category code="A01" />
        <language code="en" />
        <document-date iso-date="2014-02-05" />
      <actual value="11">
       <location ref="AF-KAN" />
       <location ref="KH-PNH" />
       <dimension name="sex" value="female" />
       <dimension name="age" value="adult" />
         <narrative>Actual comment text</narrative>
       <document-link format="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" url="">
         <narrative>Results Period Actual Report 2013</narrative>
          <narrative>Report of results period actual</narrative>
        <category code="A01" />
        <language code="en" />
        <document-date iso-date="2014-02-05" />
     <!--result-period ends-->



Definition of @indicator-uri attribute updated.

The rule for using the reference element was added.


The optional reference element was added.

Developer tools

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