This is the reference page for the XML element recipient-country-budget
The recipient-country-budget element allows for the reporting of forward looking budgets for each country in which the organisation operates. The recommendation is that, where and when possible, the organisation’s total annual planned budget for each of the next three financial years is reported for each recipient country. It is strongly recommended that the start and end of the reported financial years match those of the recipient country’s budgetary/planning cycle. The status explains whether the budget being reported is indicative or has been formally committed. The value should appear within the BudgetStatus codelist. If the @status attribute is not present, the budget is assumed to be indicative.
This element may occur any number of times.
- @status
The status explains whether the budget being reported is indicative or has been formally committed. The value should appear within the BudgetStatus codelist. If the @status attribute is not present, the budget is assumed to be indicative.
This value must be of type xsd:string.
This value must be on the BudgetStatus codelist.
Example Usage¶
for an iati-organisation
.<recipient-country-budget status="1">
<recipient-country-budget status="2">
<recipient-country code="AF" />
<period-start iso-date="2014-01-01" />
<period-end iso-date="2014-12-31" />
<value currency="USD" value-date="2014-01-01">25000000</value>
<budget-line ref="1234">
<value currency="USD" value-date="2014-01-01">2000000</value>
<narrative>Budget Line</narrative>
element can be repeated in any iati-organisation