

This is the reference page for the XML element value.


The total value of the money budgeted to be disbursed to the specified country during this time period. This element is required.


This element must occur once and only once (within each parent element).



A three letter ISO 4217 code for the original currency of the amount. This is required for all currency amounts unless the iati-organisation/@default-currency attribute is specified.

This value must be of type xsd:string.

This value must be on the Currency codelist.


The date to be used for determining the exchange rate for currency conversions.

This attribute is required.

This value must be of type xsd:date.

Example Usage

Example value of recipient-country-budget for an iati-organisation.

An example date is declared in the @value-date attribute.
This example date format conform to the xsd:date standard - for most cases YYYY-MM-DD is sufficient.
This example declares a Currency code USD, using the @currency attribute.
Note: A Currency code should only be declared if different to @default-currency in the iati-organisation element.
  <recipient-country-budget status="2">
   <recipient-country code="AF" />
   <period-start iso-date="2014-01-01" />
   <period-end iso-date="2014-12-31" />
   <value currency="USD" value-date="2014-01-01">25000000</value>
   <budget-line ref="1234">
    <value currency="USD" value-date="2014-01-01">2000000</value>
    <narrative>Budget Line</narrative>



Values are now allowed to be declared as decimals instead of integers.

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