

This is the reference page for the XML element total-expenditure.


The total-expenditure element allows for the reporting of the organisation’s international development expenditure. The recommendation is that, where and when possible, the organisation’s total expenditure for each of the past three years is reported. The expense line allows publishers to record further breakdown.


This element may occur any number of times.

Example Usage

Example of total-expenditure for an iati-organisation.
This element is a parent for other child elements.
Full example with all child elements.
   <period-start iso-date="2014-01-01" />
   <period-end iso-date="2014-12-31" />
   <value currency="USD" value-date="2014-01-01">250000000</value>
   <expense-line ref="1234">
     <value currency="USD" value-date="2014-01-01">200000000</value>
     <narrative xml:lang="en">Expense Line</narrative>
The total-expenditure element can be repeated in any iati-organisation.



The optional total-expenditure element was added.

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