Type of Organisations


Within the IATI organisation standard three types of organisations can be declared:

  • reporting-org - the organisation publishing the data within the organisation file.

  • iati-organisation - the organisation that the data is about

  • recipient-org - the organisation in receipt of budgets specified in recipient-org-budget


When using the IATI organisation standard to declare organisations, the following should be considered:

  • In many cases, an organisation file will contain information from the perspective of a single iati-organisation. Most commonly, this will be the same as the reporting-org

  • Multiple iati-organisation can be described in a single organisation file.

  • reporting-org and iati-organisation should include reference to their associated unique iati-identifier

  • For reporting-org, inclusion of the OrganisationType code is recommended.

  • An iati-organisation should include a name element - free text title of the organisation

  • Single or multiple recipient-org entries can be recorded.

  • For each recipient-org multiple forward looking recipient-org-budget can be recorded.

2.01 Considerations

In version 2.01, the following must also be considered:

  • A reporting-org is a mandatory element

  • A reporting-org identifier must start with a value published on the OrganisationRegistrationAgency codelist.

  • Any freetext name for an organisation, must be included in the child narrative element, which can be repeated for different languages.

Further Guidance

Please also consider and refer to the Organisation Identifiers guidance when constructing an appropriate identifier.